Grey Skies: Chapter 50

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Max had tried to stay away.

The taxi ride back to the base had been a blur, a blink of his eyes and the gates to the institution that had accepted him, had been his family for six years, stood before him. He paid the driver and watched the cab drive out of sight, his soul aspiring to be in the vehicle headed back to Sophie.

Outside the gates, he stood on a precipice, but the choice was clear. Once he made the decision, the bleeding wound in his chest weakened a little. Sophie could try to cut him out of her life, but he didn't have to make it easy for her.

His intention had been to avoid the lunch with Finn, Emily, Sophie, and Mary, give Sophie the space she needed. Yet the pull to be there ate away at his willpower minute by minute as he walked around the base. As if on autopilot, he found himself again in a cab, barreling toward the restaurant. The fight for their love wouldn't wait. He was done playing by the rules.

Inside the entrance to the restaurant, Max watched as Sophie pushed away from the table. His blood pressure skyrocketed, yet his feet remained planted in place. The confidence in the cab snagged as she slowly turned, and her profile came into view. Would she be furious with him?

Sophie wove her way through the occupied tables, her expression void of any hint at her internal thoughts. Max clenched his fists at his sides and held his ground.

As she neared, Max's lungs squeezed. "I know I said I wouldn't come today, but I'm tired of putting myself and my wants last. I want to be here. Because my friends are here." He glanced over her shoulder where Emily offered him a little wave, Finn nodded a curt hello and Mary gave him a thumbs up. The latter shook him, not quite sure how to interpret that gesture. Max returned his gaze to Sophie.

"Max, I—"

"Wait." He held up a hand. "You had your turn to talk, to give me your reasons for us to break up. Now it's my turn to speak."

Sophie gnawed on her bottom lip, her chin dipping.

Max flexed his fingers. "You are a dream come true. My dream come true. I don't know what you saw in me, but we have something precious here. Something worth fighting for. I love you and you love me. You can't deny that." Sophie's gaze fell to the floor. "You may think you are doing the right thing, cutting heartache off at the pass, but I disagree. That's why I came today. I miss my heart. I deserve to be here. I am worthy of loving you."

Sophie's gaze snapped to his. He held her stare.

"And you deserve me. The past does not define us." He stepped toward her. "I understand you're scared. I'm scared too. Scared you'll get bored with me. Scared I can never live up to the memory of Thomas. Scared I'll do something to upset you. Scared I won't make the right decisions. Scared you'll never love me the way I love you. But I can't not try. I can't live without you." The organ under his chest urged him on. "I want a life with you, Sophie. I want us to create a future together." He stretched a shaky hand toward her. "I'm asking you to try. Try with me. Try because it is me. Choose me."

Glossy eyes blinked at him and the chords in Sophie's throat worked like the ropes lowering an anchor.

"I don't think I have a choice." The words creaked out of her.

Max's heart sank. Sophie took his hand in hers. "I wanted to call you a minute after you left, but you didn't have a phone."

Max blinked. "You..."

"I made a mistake. Lots actually." Her fingers tangled with his. "I hurt you and I'll never forgive myself for that. I'm glad you know you deserve to be loved. I vow to show you how much I love you every day of our lives, no matter how many we have."


"Thank you for fighting for us. For fighting for me." Her hands wound around his neck. "Thank you for saving me a trip and coming back to the restaurant." Her forehead pressed against his and his spine softened. "Thank you for being you." Her lips brushed his and his whole body vibrated. "Thank you for loving me."

"Easiest job I ever had."

Sophie huffed. "I doubt that." Her lips met his again. "But I promise to make it easier. Whatever you want to do, stay in the Navy, partner with Campbell, wash dishes. I'll support you. I'll be there for you. We'll work it out."

"I filled out the forms for my dismissal and I talked with Campbell, told him I needed a job." His hands settled on her hips. "I'll be back in the States permanently in June."

Her fingers dug into his skin. "I'm so happy to hear that. I hate being away from you." She pressed herself against him. "I'd much rather cook for you every night."

"In your own restaurant?" asked Max.

"In my new restaurant on the estate of Wainwright Wineries." She traced the line of his cheek and tingles spread to Max's heart. "I'm thinking of calling it Sunshine."

Goosebumps erupted across his chest. "I love it."

"And I love you." Sophie's gaze locked on his. "For as long as you'll let me."

The back of Max's eyes burned. "I'll take forever."

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WE DID IT! It was touch and go there for a moment, but Max finally stood up for himself and Sophie is taking a leap because she loves him.

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I did promise you more in this weeks release so there's chapter to go before Sophie and Max take their leave. It's up now along with news of what's next for me.

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