Grey Skies: Chapter 29

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 Perspiration formed on Sophie's forehead while she willed the flurries to stop. Prying her hand off the steering wheel, she adjusted the windshield wiper speed to keep up with the falling snow. The radio, which had been keeping her company and somewhat calm with cheery Christmas carols, had turned to static half an hour ago. She hadn't been able to work up the nerve to take her eyes off the road to find another station.

"You can do this," she repeated for the fourth time. All she had to do was follow the map Mary had drawn, get to the boys and then someone else could take over driving. The image of Emily's pale face as she lay on the living room sofa urged Sophie on, despite the ache in her fingers from gripping the wheel.

For what seemed like hours she'd driven down this ... well she couldn't call this a road...this track, the beams of the headlights cutting into the pitch-black night, revealing a path of hard packed dirt lined on each side by brush and tree trunks. She missed the city, with its paved streets, illuminated by lamps, one after the other, plowed by machines, keeping it clear and dry. The world seemed to close in on her here, like someone had placed a blanket over the Jeep.

Sophie eased on the brake, slowing the Jeep down the steep hill. The headlights illuminated a trio of men sitting in camp chairs, drowning in hats, scarves and winter jackets. At the sight of Max's puffed black coat and red-knit cap, her heart surged. Not from fear like the last time when a rabbit or something small like one had scampered across the road, causing her to nearly end up in a ditch, but from relief. She'd found them.

Finn's pale skin looked like he was a ghost as he jolted from his seat and ran toward her. She nearly ran into him with the front of the jeep, his hands colliding with the hood. Wild eyes like a trapped animal scanned her face, the empty interior of the car, then landed on her again. "What happened?"

His shout boomed, and his palm slapped against the window, causing Sophie to flinch. She concentrated on placing the vehicle in park, the insistent banging from Finn echoing the thrum of her pulse. Simon squeezed into view, followed by Max, deep lines etched into his forehead, exaggerated by the play of light against the dark night. She wanted nothing more than to fling the door open and be swallowed by his arms.

Cold air blasted her face, the door flew open and her wish came true. The clean scent of Max, mixed with an acrid smokey smell, filled the jeep cabin and arms of steel gently encased her. Her fingers sank into the shell of his jacket, the material stiff and cold from being outside, and screwed her eyes shut, concentrating on the cocoon Max was creating around her. She leaned into him, only to have the seatbelt dig into her chest like a gate barring her from him.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounded muffled, like he was underwater.

Stubble from his unshaven beard scratched against her cheek. "I'm fine." With each second he held her, the pounding in Sophie's heart eased until the organ almost beat naturally. "It's Emily."

Against her, Max's body stiffened. "Is she..."

Sophie's eyes flew open as she realized Max was assuming the worst. "No." She pried herself out of his grip, her palms bracketing his face, meeting his glossy eyes. "She's..." The word fine froze on her lips. Because Emily was not fine.

Then Max and his warmth were gone, replaced by an icy wind and Finn covered in snow. "What's wrong?" he demanded, clawing at the lapels of her coat.

The car rocked as Max pushed Finn, followed by Finn elbowing Max. Both men struggled for dominance of the doorway.

"Stop it!" Sophie screamed. "Emily's in the hospital."

Finn froze on the spot, one hand on Max's arm, the other gripping the frame of the car door. With the interior light on, Sophie could see the red lines against the white of his eyes. His mouth opened, closed, then opened again. "No."

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