Grey Skies: Epilogue

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"About time." Finn shook Campbell's hand. "We were beginning to wonder if something happened to you."

Max's spine straightened. "Is Sophie—"

"She's fine." A hand clapped on Max's back, and Finn winked. "Too busy cooking up a storm to miss you."

Air returned to Max's lungs. The strain of his final months on duty showed on Sophie's face every time they video chatted, and he'd counted down the hour until he could wipe away those furrow lines in person. Home for only a week, they'd been stuck together at the hip until this morning when Sophie snuck out of their bed in the condo and drove out to Bridgetown early.

"First client signed?" asked Finn.

Max's fingers still buzzed with the excitement of shaking the hands of the man they'd pitched this morning. Owner of a string of jewelry stores in the Virgina area, this client was ideal for the new company, high profile enough to garner interest from other businesses in need of help to assess their security protocols and a challenge enough to make the job interesting.

Campbell widened his stance. "Thanks to Max. He let the man talk his ear off. I don't have that kind of patience."

Max lifted his chin. "He had concerns, I listened."

"Then came up with the suggestion that won the day." Campbell took the beer Finn offered him. "Best decision I ever made, aside from asking Lily to marry me, was partnering with this guy."

The three men clinked beer bottles and took a swig.

"Where is Lily?" Finn glanced over Campbell's shoulder. "Thought she was coming with you."

The smile slid off Campbell's face. Max had been in the car when the call from Campbell's wife had come in, the fight between the couple playing in stereo through the Bluetooth speakers. Apparently, having Campbell home permanently was not all the couple had hoped it to be. Max himself was having trouble adjusting to the loss of structure the Navy provided. The argument between Campbell and Lily had started out over a lack of milk in the fridge, escalated to a domestic discussion about roles and responsibilities, particularly how Campbell had to contribute to the household, and ended with Lily shouting that he should spend more time with his ex-military buddies and not bother coming home tonight.

Max rubbed the back of his neck. "She and the girls weren't up for the drive. They're going to her mom's place." Max nudged Campbell's shoulder. "She even suggested Campbell have a boys' weekend with us."

Finn beamed at the idea. "Stay tonight and we'll go fishing tomorrow."

"I'd like that." Campbell scratched his nose.

"Meantime, let's get some grub." Finn led the boys through the kitchen of the lake house, out onto the back patio. "Sophie has outdone herself this time."

The same as a year ago, Max's heart stuttered in anticipation of seeing Sophie. Unlike a year ago, the anticipation was excitement, knowing Sophie is waiting for him. His feet propelled him down the few steps into the grass, scanning for the dark hair of the woman he got to kiss.

In the crowd around the picnic table stood people who he now considered friends. Simon holding his daughter, as Mary fiddled with the baby's clothing. Emily lifting on her toes as Finn approached and kissing him on the cheek. Town folk, employees from Wainwright Wineries and Simon's and Finn's sister Delora and her son who had recently moved to the area. At last, Max found the woman who held his heart.

He slid his hand around her waist and pressed a kiss against the side of her neck. "Hello sunshine."

"Hello my brave man." Sophie twisted in his arms and brushed her lips against his. "I missed waking up to your kisses this morning."

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