Grey Skies: Chapter 40

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"The sun is setting."

Max turned his phone camera around, the image of golden-ray soaked rooftops of Djibouti City transformed into his favourite sight, the image of Sophie. It had been two weeks since he'd held her in his arms, made the easiest promise of his life to come back to her. That morning, he'd desperately wanted to ask her for something he could keep of hers, hold on to at night. Something that retained her sweet vanilla scent. But he'd chickened out, sinking into her embrace instead, trying to seal the scent of her into his clothing. Last night he'd fallen asleep, phone in hand, as he scrolled through her texts and photos.

For the first time since joining the Navy, he wished his six-month rotation would fly by so he could return to her. "We have a similar amount of daylight as back home."

"But you have the heat. It tried to snow again."

A twinge pinched in his chest. "Is Finn driving you to the winery today?"

"He and Lucy. We're giving Emily a day to herself."

Max relaxed his grip on his phone. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

The light in Sophie's eyes washed away the final dregs of concern. It hadn't taken much to work out a routine to deal with the seven-hour time difference. Aside from text messages which could take Max a while to respond to when on duty, they'd settled on a video chat each day before Max's lights out. Today was an exception because he was driving the Admiral into the city again for dinner with representatives from the local government.

"Simon finally approved the black caviar-covered bocconcini with Black Sea Salt. I have to run into Washington today to pick up the cheese, but I'm eager to make them. Blake is in the kitchen with me today, helping with the prep. We have a lot to do, but they seem really interested. I think they might have a job here when Simon officially opens the restaurant." Her mouth dropped. "If he opens it, I mean."

"Hey. After the investors taste the meal you have planned for tomorrow night, they will throw money at Simon."

A tiny smile lifted Sophie's lips. "I hope so. He's super stressed right now. Even Mary can't get him to relax. Which means Mary is grumpy." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe baby Lucy can provide a distraction."

A rap drew Max's attention from his phone. Campbell leaned against the doorframe. "Time to go."

There was never enough time with Sophie. Max focused on her. "Good luck today. Not that you need it. Talk tomorrow Sunshine."

"Max?" His finger hovered over the end button. Sophie cleared her throat. "Be safe."

Warmth flooded his chest. "I will. I have a promise to keep."


Habit had Max sit at the same barstool he had last time Campbell and he had frequented this bar. Tonight the city buzzed, something in the air which made the back of his neck itch. Maybe this was a side effect of plunging into 82 degree heat after the chill of the lake house. The water bottle in his hand sweat with condensation, proving the humidity still hadn't dropped even though the sun had dipped below the horizon over two hours ago.

"Busy in here." Campbell stood, his back leaning against the bar, elbows resting on the edge, face scanning the room. This was a stance Max knew well from his years of working with Campbell. What lay behind the perception of ease was a man detailing every person and surface of the place, ready to spring into action if need be.

Max stretched his neck in an attempt to release the tension coiling up his spine. "Spill over from the rally?"

Campbell nodded. For decades Djibouti had been under the control of one man and in a few weeks he'd be up for re-election again. While the country touted free elections, less than twenty percent of the population were registered to vote and there were grumblings of rebels trying to overturn the current administration. The rally tonight consisted of sympathizers to the cause, if not the organizers themselves.

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