Diluc develops feelings for you

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"You know, I wish she would understand why I come here every night." A man said from a table across from the bar, swinging his large glass in the air. "God, she drives me nuts!" Clearly he was slurring his words. But when people get drunk, they get honest. Sometimes they even got brutally honest with each other. That would then result in a drunken bar fight that Charles would have to break up and send them out the door.

With a heavy sigh, you put your head in your hands, overhearing many drunk conversations from the bar counter. You knew you had to stop coming to this bar. Although you couldn't due to the owner being one of your best friends. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you're having a good time tonight." His deep but velvet voice chuckled in front of you. Looking up from your hands, the redhead was cleaning a glass with a smirk on his lips. "Bite me, Diluc.." you groaned, slamming your head on the counter. All you could hear was another chuckle, and the glass he cleaned being set under the counter.

Since it was near closing time, the few tipsy or sober folks left the bar. The rest were blackout drunks and/or already passed out. The other bartenders checked out, wishing goodnight to the owner. Other than that, it was just you and Diluc now. It was quiet, in the bar, the soft ambience of music playing over the sound system. Raising your head, you planted your chin i the palm of your hand. "I got a question for you." You spoke, looking at the redhead who was still tending to the glasses, cleaning them. He stopped what he was doing, catching your eyes and now focusing on you. "What's your inquiry?" The man used his elbows to rest and lean against the counter to hear what you had to ask. "If you weren't born into this company, what job would you have wanted?" The question that left you and reach Diluc's ears made him ponder for a moment. If he was born into a regular family, and not one where he had to take on his father's business... "I'd say a barista." He gave his answer. To that, you were shocked. "Really? That isn't too far off from a bartender." Your response only made him chuckle.

Hearing him laugh, or just seeing a faint smile was always very surprising. He was always very stoic due to his past. It was a nice change to see him enjoying himself. "And you?" His voice took you out of your little daydream. "Huh?" You blinked, looking at him wondering what he said. "If you didn't work in the job you're in now, what would you be doing?" Diluc shot the question back to you. That was an easy one to answer for yourself. "Definitely (dream job)." You stated. (Dream job) was something you always wanted to do since you were a child. Though, even with studying really hard with full effort, you weren't able to get the job. So you settled with the one you have now. "That is an interesting choice," He responded, staring at you for a moment. "It certainly sounds like it would suit you." The man then added onto his little observation. Your face heated up, flushing a light pink. Hearing him say that... it sent shivers up and down your spine. "Th-Thank you.." You mumbled, averting your gaze.

You and Diluc continued to talk well into the night about whatever came to mind. You both learned a lot about each other. Laughing and having a good time with one another. Glancing at the clock, you saw that it was nearly midnight. You shot up from your seat, panicked. It was passed closing time and you needed to get home for work tomorrow. "Sorry, Diluc, but I really must be going. I'll be late tomorrow." You apologized to the owner of the bar, grabbing your bag and rushing to the door. Before your hand touched the knob, you heard his voice call out from behind. "It's dark out, let me walk you home." He offered, putting on his jacket as he headed over to you. It was a nice offer of him, but... "No no, I don't want to trouble you." You rejected. But the redhead insisted, and you couldn't say no when he was able to protect you from the creeps that lurked in the alleys.

So, the two of you walked through the street. Talking and continuing a conversation as he followed you your way home. It wasn't awkward at all, to say the least. If anything, it was comfortable. Diluc enjoyed your company as much as you did his. He grew to like you more and more this night. And to be able to walk you home and keep you from danger was all he could ever really ask for. When you spoke, his focus was on you. He took in your features. The way when your lips curl up, slight dimples show. How your eyes lit up when you spoke about something you thoroughly enjoyed. When you tilt or bow your head, a few pieces of hair fall in front of your eyes before you brush them away. It was the little things that he loved about you.

Soon enough, you both reached your house. And like that, he wouldn't be able to see you again until the next time you stop by in the bar. "Thank you for tonight," you looked up at him with a smile. "I had fun hanging out with you." Those words that came from you shot butterflies within his stomach. You had fun with him. His face flushed a shade of red, and he did the best to cover it up by clearing his throat. "Yes, well, I admit that I did too." Diluc agreed, which put on a bigger smile on your face.

You turned around to head inside, and he turned to leave back to his own place. But, you stopped and spun around. "Diluc!" You called his name, making the man stop in his tracks. He looked over his should to meet your gaze, then walking back over to you. "Yes, (Y/N)?" He had a look of question, wondering what you wanted to say. But you didn't say anything at all. Instead, you took the chance and placed a long kiss on his cheek. It stopped him dead in his tracks. His heart started pounding against is chest. When you pulled away, you noticed how red his face was. All the way up to his ears! You chuckled, and that had him snap back into reality. "Uh, um.." He cleared his throat once again, fiddling with his gloved hands. "Have a good- great- er, wonderful nights rest. I hope to- see you- um, tomorrow." He stumbled over his words. Seeing him all shy was a something to cherish. Nonetheless, you nodded. "You too, Master Diluc." You wished him farewell, heading inside and closing the door.

It left him outside, standing there, bewildered. His hand reached to his cheek you pecked, lingering there for a moment as he turned to walk home. He looked like he was in a daydream nearly the entire time. Unable to believe what happened, actually happened. But it did. And he couldn't be happier.

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