Diluc hugs you as you cry

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You didn't want to step outside today. Not after what happened yesterday night. You didn't want to go to work and act like every thing is okay. You didn't want to be on shift and greet passerby's while protecting the city with a fake smile. You didn't want to see him. You knew what he was like, with that sultry personality of his. That attractive charm he had going on for all to see. You believed that you would be okay with him. Too much hope for an expected let down.

You hated him. You hated Kaeya after witnessing what he did in Angel's Share behind your back. How could he? After everything. All the promises, the love you gave him. Was it all for nothing? Was it just a joke to him? Six months into a relationship you put your heart into, and he decides to cheat on you with some other woman. You say how she made googly eyes at him. How he ate it up and continued to flirt with her. How he held her hands the way he did with you. And when she asked if he had a girlfriend, his response? "Nope, I'm all free for you, baby." That is what set you off and storming out. When you made it home, you locked the door and slid down, bawling your eyes out.

Mustering up the courage, you left your bed and got fresh new clothes on. You were lucky that it was a day off today, so you didn't have to see him at the Knights of Favonius HQ. Hopefully you didn't have to see him at all in the city. Archons knows that he's probably lurking in the shadows or at the tavern for a Death After Noon. You shook him out of your head, you didn't want to think about him today. Today you just wanted stroll around town. So grabbing your coat, you slipped on your boots and headed outside, the bright sunlight hitting your eyes nearly blinding you.

It was a warm day out, a gentle breeze to accompany it. With it being warm, you decided to put your coat back inside before closing the front door and walking into the street. Now that you're outside, you had to do everything to avoid him. Hiding, running, anything. Taking a deep breath, you went to Good Hunter first. You ordered some Tea Break Pancakes. You waited patiently, humming your favourite song, until you saw a familiar blue haired man walk your way from the corner of your eye. No, no no no no! You started panicking, now tapping your foot. Once Sara served your breakfast, you slammed an amount of Mora on the counter and rushed off in the opposite direction of the Calvary Captain.

The best way to go was outside the city and make a run to Dawn Winery. Maybe Diluc could help steer his brother away. Or just be there for you. You ran whilst eating your pancakes, knowing you'll get a stomachache after, but it was anything to get away. With the winery in sights, and the plate nearly finished, you slowed down on the property. Connor, one of the main brewers spotted you walking up. "Ah, (Y/N), what brings you here today?" He asked. You were a good friend to the Ragnvindr's, so everyone knew you well. "I- I need to see Diluc." You requested. Connor said he was just inside, and you didn't waste time and pushed passed, walking inside without regards for knocking.

Once the door opened, you saw Diluc standing over the table looking at what seemed to be a map. Probably a location of some Abyss Order members. He was talking to Adelinde who nodded along. When they heard someone barge in, both looked up to see you. You had the expression of worry, to which the redhead immediately came over. "(Y/N)? Is something the matter?" His voice was almost urgent, but still so kind and gentle. You looked up at him, tears welling in your eyes, throat tightening up to hold in cries. At that moment, he looked over his shoulder and motion the head maid to leave the vicinity. She did so by leaving the manor, closing the door, and he lead you over to one of the couches, sitting you down. Taking the plate of unfinished pancakes from you and setting it on the side table, you swallowed hard. "Kaeya.. he.." you couldn't finish.

"Shh..." He gently soothed you, rubbing your back so you could try and regain your composure and tell him what the matter was. "What did my brother do?" He quietly asked, almost in a hushed whisper. If it had to deal with Kaeya, then there was obviously nothing good to come out of it. He knew that you were dating him, and seeing this hurt expression on you... it couldn't be anything but negative. "I, I went to Angels Share last night to meet up with him and.." You started off after doing your best to calm down, taking deep and shaking breaths. "And when I got there, I saw him with... with.. some other girl. They were.. holding hands across the table and he... he lied to her saying.. saying he didn't have a girlfriend.." The tears reappeared again and you did your best to blink them away, sniffling in the process. Upon hearing what happened, Diluc's blood began to boil. He cheated on them. The man was about to stand, when you gripped onto him, keeping him by your side.

He looked down to you, seeing your broken expression. "Please... stay.." You managed to speak, before the tears flowed and you couldn't keep your cries in anymore. His own heart broke, seeing you like this, and did so. He stayed by your side, pulling you into his embrace, holding you close. One hand around your body, and another securing your head, almost like consoling a crying baby. You broke down in his arms, sobbing into his coat. Did he care? No. You were more important than whatever else he had to do. You were like a younger sibling to him. Family comes first.

"It's okay," Diluc reassured you, rubbing your back again. His voice hushed in your ear. "I've got you." He continued. He whispered comforting words to you as you sobbed. He let you know that he wasn't going anywhere until you're okay. He even offered that you could stay at the manor for as long as you want, and he'll have someone look after your home. And when you were ready, the both of you would confront Kaeya about what happened. But for now, he just held onto you. Letting you know he's here, and isn't leaving.

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