Chapter 1

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(See character profile for what an Evo and nanite are if still confused)

You would think after curing the entire world of people from harmful microscopic machines called nanites that turned people into Evo's, things would be a little easier. Turns out normal people in battle armor are just as nuts and tiring. The only difference is they're more predictable. And considering mines are still active but haven't caused me to go on a mindless rampage or disfigured me physically means everyone assumes that I'm fine with it.

As long as I don't complain no one really takes note anyway. Those who know me would more likely believe that I'm bored but being on call all the time is exhausting. I could sure use a break from all of this. Bobo then used his plasma gun to shoot away the giant robot arm that swung toward my turbo wings. That bought me back to the present situation at hand.

"Hey, hero! Stop daydreaming, I know it's almost lunch cause I'm getting a little unfocused too. So let's make this snappy or would you rather get your butt handed to you instead? All's the same with me."  was a shout from Bobo.

I knew he just was saying that because he simply enjoyed bantering with me. So I gave a response that he would more or less imply annoyance. "Just for that, I'm not paying for your lunch today." 

"Like you have a choice, I already have your wallet," 

I ignored it cause the imaginary pay that I get wouldn't be enough to feed him anyway. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only one who remained the same after the whole curing event. But I doubt even he would understand why I feel this way. OK, time to get my head in the game. Just need to make it through this one and finish before lunch.

The guy that we've been watching for months finally made his move. He wanted to get some sort of reactor core to build another world-dominating device. Not surprised cause they usually do that. I've lost track of how many times someone has tried to take over the world since I cured all Evo's. Looking down I noticed while flying in mid-air with my turbo wings, Six who was on ground control gave me a glare meaning that he wants me to focus more. Good thing I was flying so he can't see my eye-rolls through my goggles.

The battle-armored robot this guy's using to trample through the city was huge. Any building he couldn't avoid he brought down. Since I was flying he still continued to try to swap me like some kind of fly. Not cool at all! When he finally saw that wasn't shaking me off he used its lasers that caused me to be constantly dodging. I was just glad that most of the people were being evacuated. That way I didn't have to think about where he aimed and if it would hurt anyone. Of course, they were a few people that I had to get out of the way. Apparently, a giant robot stampeding through the city wasn't a sign to run for them. I heard Six through the communicator in my ear say, "Let's finish this as we planned it."

"Yeah yeah, I'm on it."

I'm already over this whole thing. So I could really care less about getting creative in this one. I changed from my turbo wings to my mechanical hands to slow down and hopefully weaken the armor on this guy. I remembered Caesar said that he wanted to examine the armor closer. So I had to try not to damage it too much. Well, luckily that wasn't a problem since I barely could even get a dent in it. Six and I planned for that. So my goal was really just to put up a fight, which I did. He was heading to where he thought the reactor is beneath the Barley's science building. They were still working on it so to take it in its state would be a risk in itself.

If he gets the containment box it's being held in, his guard will be down for us to disable the armor on his robot cause that is the only opening. It was all part of the plan. He pushed through the city with me trying to stop him with just "enough" effort. Then he crashed into the building that had the reactor. Forcing his way through he then got to the section that had the reactor. As it was in his sight he opened the armor to accept the containment box. That was when I made my final and most crucial move.

As he was doing that it left me an opening to use my cannon to fire on that vulnerable spot. He was horrified cause he didn't think I would fire at him knowing he had something as unstable as the reactor. But the joke's on him cause he actually thought that the reactor was in there. The old bait and switch had worked again. When I blew his armor's weak point the rest was easy. I morphed my arm to use my sword to cut the opening widener. That made a way out of the now inactive armored robot."How could a hero like you take such a chance of firing at me in a city knowing I had something so unstable? You could have killed us all!"  he said as he crawled out.

"Do you really think we would have let a nutcase like you get anywhere near that reactor? Here have a look in the containment box." I said as my arm transformed back to its usual state.

The guy's face when he realized all of that work and destruction was for an empty box and a now disabled robot made the routine less monotonous."All of that Planning! Plotting! Lost! I hate you, Rex! Mark my words, you haven't seen the last of me!" 

The usual tantrums thrown by them were again, expected as the police carried him off. I was just glad it was over. The rest of Providence came to confiscate the armor. My brother even came on the scene to tell them how to handle it. The thing is virtually indestructible so I don't know why there was such caution in it. It was still good to see him out of the lab. We weren't dealing with monsters anymore but we both still barely spent any time together. I knew that wasn't much of our thing but we're all we have since our parents died at the first nanite event. Before I came to terms with that I used to worry about how my past was a mystery to me. But now I wonder about my future. Is this all there is for me?

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