Chapter 12

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I had nothing against the kid but babysitting was not part of what I had planned for my vacation. Lisa gave me the room number and key, so after I thanked her I went to the elevator. Mathias followed me in but shuffled over to the side where Bobo was standing and poked him on his eyepatch.

"Hey! Hey! Stop touching the merchandise kid," Bobo said to him only earning his slight laughter of amusement. Well at least he would annoy Bobo so there was a plus. When we got to our room I opened the door and turned on the light only to find it ransacked. The couches were flipped over and the ornaments such as pillows, lamps, and what looked like sheets for the bed were spread out covering the floor. I had to move a small ornamental table out of the way to step in.

"They really should fire the maid here," Bobo remarked as he walked in with Matthias standing close to him gripping his arm.

"Not so tight kid," Bobo complained. Why would he be nervous, I thought as I walked in.

"I doh wah stay here," He said letting go of Bobo and walking backward into me. What he said was a little difficult to understand but you didn't have to be a genius to guess that this room scared him.

"What's wrong with the room Matthias?" I asked to see if it was triggering any memory of what had happened to him earlier today. He held his head with both hands and I kneeled to steady him as he was visibly shaking. The process itself seemed painful then he started to cry again and I held him in my arms while Bobo looked on. If he was staying with me we had to stay somewhere else.

I picked up the boy in my arms to turn to leave the room. An older distinguished man stood in the doorway that I hadn't noticed looking very annoyed.

"There you are!" The man exclaimed walking up to us. He was dressed in a purple stripped shirt with no tie but that didn't take away a professionalism that I was oddly familiar with.

"Do I know you?" I asked watching the man who walked in through the doorway. Matthias watched the man as he wiped his tears away. The man looked at Matthias and then at me.

"You're son and his friends came in here earlier, I caught them tearing the room apart." I would have dropped the kid right then and there if his hands weren't so tightly gripped around my neck. Bobo started laughing while I tried to explain.

"No, no no no, you've got it all wrong he's not my son," I said to which the man didn't seem to care.

"I heard that your pet was also responsible for the ruckus outside. Mr. Salzar this is a respectable hotel here and though it may not be five-star, we have rules. Children and pets must be supervised at all times," He instructed.

"That's all well and good pops but the room is totaled and the kid here is afraid of it. Think you can fix us up with another," Bobo interrupted earning a glare from the man.

"Of course, you can have another room. Right after you clean up this one," the man demanded, and before I could say anything Kenwyn came in.

"Pa who are you yelling at? What happened in here?" She asked as she scanned the room.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out here Basil. This guy and his pet have caused nothing but trouble since they got here. His kid teared up the room also." The man who it was now safe to say was Kenwyn's Grandfather accused. At least now I knew where she got her temper from.

"No Pa, that wasn't his fault and the boy is Matthias and he's necessary. This is Rex the diplomat that we're hosting so please don't kick him out." She said in our defense and the man simmered down.

"Alright, here are the keys to the other room down the hall," He said taking the keys from a keychain out of his pocket and handing them to me. Bobo got to it before me and saluted the man.

"Thanks, Sir, and sorry about the mess," I said and carried the boy out with both Bobo and Kenwyn following me.

"I'll explain later," I heard her whisper to him just before we closed the door then I heard a sigh of relief escape from her.

"Sorry about that, he's tense and things have to be just so with him," She said as she walked with us and I set Matthias down. Bobo was walking ahead and he wanted to go after him and who I am to stop the bonding between child and pet.

"No damage, can I ask you something Kenwyn," I said knowing very well that I could make this awkward depending on how she interrupts it. She nodded her head to let me know she was listening.

"You came from a normal family before you joined Providence. If you had to choose between one or the other what would it be."  That was the best way I could think of putting it over to her and she stayed silent as if going over what I had asked in her mind. When we reached my door at that time Bobo and Matthias had already entered while we lingered outside.

"Well as you see, I have both and I make it work. Maybe instead of thinking about giving up something in life try to see what you can add. I have sent the report to the police and expect an answer by tomorrow we will know who Matthias' parents are. Goodnight," She said leaving me at the front door as she walked away.

See what I can add; is that even possible for someone like me, to have more? My thoughts were interrupted by Bobo and Matthias came back out to grab my hand and pull me in. He claimed that there was something that I just had to see. His childish excitement about it caught my attention the most; when last have I ever felt that excited about anything? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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