Chapter 3

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When we got back to Providence, I opened my eyes and then went straight for my room. I just didn't want to deal with anyone until the next incident that they would need me for. If I can't have time off then I just have to get as much rest as possible. If I'm going to last through the day around here that was all I could really do. I went straight to lie down in my bed, face first. I still had the headache so all I wanted was quiet from the pounding in my head.

That didn't last long because soon after I heard the sliding sounds of the door opening. Then it was followed by a loud chewing noise and a belch. I knew who that was without even opening my eyes. Even though my voice was muffled when I spoke to him he still managed to understand."I see you got your lunch." 

"Yeah, and no thanks to you. But I'm feeling generous so you want any?"

Where did that come from? Bobo doesn't share food. I raised my head from the pillow to say, "Hard pass, I don't know where your hands have been. Can't you eat that outside, my headache is doing a good enough job keeping me up as it is." 

"Ah, no cause see this is my room too. And I just thought I should offer you as this may be your last chance for any good food." Bobo then slurped loudly and then said.

"I'll risk it." Then I turned over on my bed to put the pillow to cover my ears in a useless effort to block out his noise.

"I'm serious, I heard 'em talking about sending us somewhere in the middle of nowhere. A small town like that won't have the variety of food we got here."

That got my attention, providence... well White Knight is sending me in the middle of nowhere. There must be some other creep that has gotten a hold of some weapon to take over the world again. I sighed heavily at the thought of it. My headache seemed to have just gotten worse. I might as well get up and go listen in. I got up off the bed to leave the room. On seeing me rise Bobo managed to talk despite all that he stuffed in his mouth and asked, "Where you going?"

"To the briefing room," I stopped as the sliding door opened to tell him.

"Alright, but you didn't hear it from me."  He swallowed and said.

"You mean they didn't send you here to come get me? You did it out of the goodness of your heart."  I turned around to face him and tauntingly said.

He then took up what he was eating and started walking towards me and said, "Alright, so they gave me a pizza now let's go."

When we got to the briefing room where White Knight was on the screen talking to Six and Doctor Holiday. Surprisingly Kenwyn Jones was there also. I haven't seen her since before I cured all the Evo's. I did remember White wanting us to work together again sometime; too bad he chose this time. I wasn't feeling 100% enough to be at my best.

After entering the room I sat down on a chair and fiddled with my fingers on the console in front of me. Then followed by Bobo coming next to me still chewing loudly. I heard bits and pieces of the important stuff of the mission White Knight was talking about through my pounding headache. Most of it didn't really seem important though. Before I even knew it, the meeting ended with him saying Kenwyn would fill me in on more of the details.

She then approached me but with this headache still pounding even conversation seemed like a drag.

"It's been a while."

"Yeah, it has," I gave a short reply.

She seemed to be a bit uncomfortable but she continued by saying, "I'm glad for this opportunity again. This one shouldn't be too tough for us."

She already lost me in what she was talking about so I asked, "What shouldn't be tough for us?"

"The mission we were just briefed on." Of course, that was what she meant. I'm really off my game today.

"Oh right, yeah, that." I nodded and said.

"Look I know we didn't work the best way last time mostly because of me. But I have learned to be more flexible and in this specific case that is crucial. Your unorthodox way of gathering intel will be an asset as well as your reputation." She then took a step closer to me and said.

"Unorthodox way of gathering intel?" I must have missed that part in the briefing. Figures since I didn't really pay much attention to any of it. All I heard was we were going to a small fishing town called Matlot. Then investigate a new Advertising Campaign Agency business that opened up there. At that Bobo loudly slurped the last of his drink and chuckled loudly before saying, "You're going as providence diplomat with the girl Six in training."

"What, really?" was all I could think about saying in reply.

"Yes it was a bit of a shock since this isn't a level 1 or 2 threat but it makes sense they would use someone with a lot of media attention for my partner in this," she answered. What she said made me wonder about that also.

"You didn't already have a partner that could have gone on this with you?"

She answered with a head nod as she said, "I did, but the circumstances called for another approach."

After she said that it was followed by an uncomfortable silence with her avoiding my gaze. I got the feeling that she didn't want to say anymore. So I left it at that and tried to turn the conversation on this mission.

"So if there was more of a need for someone to blend in how am I the choice for this?" I then asked no one in particular.

"Why not you? All you have to do is don't use your abilities needlessly since it is a simple visit. If everything is really on par then they wouldn't have to worry about you," Doctor Holiday answered.

"Yes, and as the front personnel for this case, you will just be a guest to one of the villas in which the company is seeking to negotiate to buy the land and industrialize as they say." Kenwyn then added to what the Doc said.

"Wait so no take over the world thing and I get to not use my abilities cause the point is to be on vacation,"  I said to make sure I was hearing them right.

"That's right," Kenwyn answered.

"What's the catch?" That sounded too good to be true so I asked already expecting to hear a condition.

"I thought you would like the idea of something a little less high stakes since it is a break from the routine," The Doc smiled as she answered.

The Doc's reaction to it somehow made me even more suspicious. Six must have said something to her to know about me wanting a break.

"Of course I do, but what I like is hardly ever considered. If White has a problem with a business why doesn't he take it up in court like everyone else?"

"That remains to be determined as the mission is mostly to observe as of now. At present all we know is that everywhere this business is set up there have been strange happenings with the population. Certain parts of the US have already been affected and this is the most recent site. It's a small tourist destination in need of development. That is what they offer; better advising leading for the town therefore a better life for them." Six who had remained quiet throughout all of this now spoke.

"Ok, so what are the strange happenings?" Was my question to find out what exactly I would be dealing with.

Kenwyn answered me by drawing my attention to the monitor and then saying, "You should see for yourself." 

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