Chapter 7

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As the jump jet assent began to level off midair I asked her, "So you want to tell me what Matlot is all about and what part of the US we're going to?"

"Matlot isn't in the US, it's in the Caribbean on an island called Trinidad near the equator.She kept her eyes forward as she answered me saying.

Huh, I didn't expect we would be going somewhere so out of the way since the last place was in the US. I guess that makes it even more of a vacation. "Really? Cool, an island sounds even more relaxing.

"To a tourist, yes but as one of the Caribbean Islands, it's in its own respect a whole country and a tourist stop. The part we're going to is the fishing area.She then continued.

"So if that's the case, why is it wrong that an advertising company wants to come develop the area? They'll probably have more fun things to do. I mean other than the weird behavior, how do we know it's even directly related?" I asked that so I could find out more about what she knew.

"We don't know anything for sure yet. Our job is to find out. The country in itself is known for oil reserves and pitch as its natural resources. If they want to develop they could negotiate with the city areas which is what the advertising business is doing."

That sort of proved my theory of providence overreacting to something that could very well be nothing. White Knight is one of the most paranoid people I know but you can't blame him, since the guy practically lives in a secluded area away from everyone else."Ok but if they're getting permission, it's still no not deal. Besides the developments, there must be so many fun things to do there."

Kenwyn whose tone remained as serious as when this conversation started replied, "Yes, many other activities have been added so you will never be bored. But even so, you will be focused on the mission as well right?"

"Uh obviously, yeah sure," was my reply but she didn't acknowledge it with even a head nod. She just momentarily glanced at me the way I imagined Six would of through his sunglasses when he wasn't exactly convinced. In all fairness, she was probably right not to be, but time to change the subject. 

"So what is your role in all this?" I asked.

"I don't have an official role in this other than your transportation. I know where Matlot is and can arrange a place for you to stay," She said. I huffed as the thought of all the crummy places that they've made me stay at while on missions came back to mind.

"And where is that? It's not going to be one of those run-down places they always seem to stick me with," I said.

"You will be staying in my grandparents' villa. They house a lot of important people in that area, including some members of the advertising company there."

When she said that the thought of why I was given all of those stuffy clothes came back to mind. They made sure I was put in a place where I would stand out if I dressed casually. I sighed in defeat with the realization that this is going to be a working trip."There's always a catch, isn't there?"

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