Chapter 11

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At the front desk, the familiar feeling of entering was like I had come home. I used to visit Granny here all the time when I was younger. My mom and dad would sometimes leave me here on summer vacation and we'd have the best time.

She'd drive me into the town's area to meet more of the local people also. She always stressed that even though she managed a business she would never forget where she came from. It was a tough fight for our family to own any land in the beginning. But they succeeded only because of the support they received from all their friends. Seeing the place now as an adult I could tell a lot has changed. The ceilings had been redone and the ground had been regrooved with a smooth tile set that varied in greys and browns. There were none of my favorite plants around except a few flowers and potted trees inside. The decorative curtains were mostly light yellow with a blue flower design on them. The furniture in the lobby was in harmony as the chair coverings were blue with the seating part on the couches was yellow. I remembered when the ground had a more earthy look to it but even though it's different now because of my granny it was still home.

I looked at the front desk and in my line of sight was her. She was waving goodbye to a snowcone sales lady. She had gotten older since I last saw her but not a single gray hair had she allowed to show. Her eyes met mine and she had the widest smile for me as she also held a snowcone out, "Basil dear, I saved one for you. Come get it before it melts."

I went over to her seeing Matthias and Bobo there also drinking snowcones. As I thanked my grandmother I heard Rex's voice behind me say in a questioning way, "Basil?" 

"Yes, that's the nickname we all use for her since that was her favorite plant. The chef would use it for seasoning but she would go in and take it out of the kitchen when he wasn't looking and have him chase her around the building for it."  Granny started to chuckle as if the memory of it was in itself funny to recall.

"She would even give away the basil to the guests to find them new homes. She'd give him the hardest time and you couldn't talk her out of it until she saw it fit. She continued.

Rex smirked at hearing that and looked between her and me saying my nickname, "I can believe that about her, so you're Basil's grandmother?

It wasn't natural hearing him say it and the last thing I wanted was for a co-worker to spread something like that."That is my grandmother's name for me," I said.

"Oh Basil it wasn't just me most of the hotel staff and some regular guests knew you by that name,"  Granny answered as she pointed to her name tag speaking back to Rex continued, "You can call me Lisa, everyone does. I already checked you in. Are your bags in the back?"

"Nope, they were stolen, and Matthias here saw the whole thing. But he's kind of lost so we want to find his family first,"  Rex answered which made me feel slightly irritated because it happened on my watch.

"Boy, am I glad I walked in with my bag. If it fell into the wrong hands no telling what could happen,"  Bobo then replied after finishing his snowcone.

"You won't have to worry about that, they'd give it back,"  Rex replied rolling his eyes.

"Oh dear, well I'll call the police,"  My grandmother then answered.

While gesturing to the boy, I told her, "It would be best if I do that since I saw them and can describe the bags. Matthias will stay with Rex for the time being."

I have a feeling this incident wasn't just about stealing bags. It was a warning from them, to let us know that they know where we are. Well, my guard is fully up now and I'm on to their games so no more room for mistakes. I better alert Rex to make sure he's on the alert also. Matthias could still be involved in all this even if he doesn't know it. Tonight I will see all that I can find out about him and his family.

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