Chapter 32- The Threat

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I wish I could say that things magically got better after Quirin was saved, but that's just wishful thinking. Just because Quirin was free from the amber, it by no means solved all of my problems. For one, the entire throne room is practically in shambles due to the battle Rapunzel and her crew had against the Saporians. My parents also still have their memories wiped, no thanks to Clementine and the Wand of Oblivium, so now Rapunzel is running the kingdom in their place since they can hardly remember how to rule. Also, Cassandra is doing who knows what with one of the most powerful artifacts on the planet, not to even mention the fact that I have absolutely no idea what caused Varian and my hair streaks to glow when we were fighting the Saporians.

On top of all that, I don't get to see Varian nearly as much as I would like to. Since Quirin was free now, Varian got to live with his dad in Old Corona again. Of course, I'm overjoyed that Varian's life gets to return to some form of normalcy, but it's displeasing to not get to see him as often. I miss him a lot.

That's why I've been so excited for today. After the Battle basically destroyed Old Corona, all of the citizens fled to the city to find shelter. Without Quirin to guide and protect them, they saw no other choice but to leave. Of course, the people were welcome in the city, but the island wasn't prepared for a surge of homeless Coronians, and the number of people was beginning to cause issues. Once Quirin was freed, he wanted to try and rebuild the town so the people could return to their homes.

So today, Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, dozens of Coronians, and I are headed to Old Corona to try and help reconstruct it. After all, we knew that if we all pitched in, we could have the town rebuilt in no time.

As we stroll into the town, a bright smile spreads across Rapunzel's features when she sees the progress that has already been made, and all of the people who came to help. "I love seeing the people of Corona coming together like this!" Rapunzel happily exclaims, twirling in a circle while she walks.

" Corona looks amazing already!! Wait is it still called 'Old Corona?' Or is it called 'New Corona?' Oooh! Maybe 'New Old Corona?!'" Lance suggests, listening as the words roll off his tongue. "It seems kinda strange for a town that's brand new, don't you think?"

I notice Quirin standing in the center of the town, directing people as they worked. The four of us walk over to him, and he smiles when he sees us. "Let me tell you, this place is looking better already!" Eugene compliments.

Quirin nods his head gratefully. "Thank you, but I can't take all the credit. None of this would be possible without the good people of Corona." He turns to my sister. "Thank you for rallying the people together for this, your highness."

Rapunzel grins. "Oh, it was my pleasure. Anything to help a friend."

"Speaking of friends," I pipe up. "Quirin, do you know where Varian is?"

He smiles at me. "He's at the edge of town bringing supplies from our shipments to the workers. Maybe you could give him a hand?"

"I would love to!" I happily say. "Thank you, Quirin!"

"Of course, princess."

I dash off to find Varian, eager to see him again. As I weave around people, I keep my eyes peeled for the freckled alchemist. Suddenly, my eyes catch sight of him, loading paint buckets into a wheelbarrow along with Ruddiger. I dart over to him as quickly as my legs can carry me. "Varian!!" I call.

Varian glances up from his work when he hears my voice, and his blue eyes begin searching for me. His lips curl into a big buck-toothed smile when he sees me. "(Yn)!!" He exclaims, running over to meet me. He quickly pulls me into a loving embrace, and I happily hug him back. "I've missed you, Angel." Varian softly says.

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