chapter two

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chapter two


They started at District 12. Lenore's District. While there was certainly more green to catch the eye, trees and mountains towering toward the sky instead of bricks and factory smoke, Yelena couldn't help but feel a strange sense of familiarity. And that familiarity came from the people.

Just like District 8, they looked exhausted, drained, starved and frail like paper. Their jaws and cheekbones were cut like the blades she used in the arena due to malnourishment. Then there were their eyes. Gray as the mist that clung to their mountains. Each time Yelena took a glimpse of the crowd as she read the cards from Cersei, she was reminded of Lenore. It was like she was staring right back at her.

And in some ways, she was. Lenore's picture flickered along a hologram behind her family. Her father, soot stained to his hands and cheeks sunken in. Her mother, shoulders hunched and eyes still weary with tears. And her two brothers she mentioned, both tall and proud just as she said they would be. But when Yelena said her name, their bottom lips still quivered.

District 11 was just as depressing. Dahlia left behind only her father. Yelena's stomach churned at her former ally's image, her mind warping it with the sound of the giant crab mutts that used their claws to break her bones and tear her flesh in the Coves as they hid from the Careers. Judging by the dazed gaze of her father in the distance, it seems the memory of her gruesome death plagued him more than the memories of her alive and smiling. She silently wished she could take that away from him.

As soon as Yelena was done reading the cards, she hurled almost all her guts behind the doors of 11's Justice Building. That tradition followed her in District 1 as well after facing Tassel's family, their vengeful and disgusted looks causing her to shrink. It was clear they wondered how a girl from 8 could have outlasted their son who had been training for this moment since he was six. The newest Victor wondered herself.

Yelena stares blankly at the wall, scalp burning from the relentless brushing from her prep team. Her legs still sting from the waxing, the scent of Jasmine lotion wafting in her nose. She sits quietly, fingers drumming the arm of her chair as they finish applying the finishing touches to her makeup.

"Stunning!" Juno coos, taking a step back from his work. "Absolutely stunning!"

"Isn't she always?" a cool voice adds, her heels clicking through the doorway. Yelena's ears perk at the familiarity. She swivels in her chair as her stylist Greer Lovelace strides toward her. Her violet lips part into a charming smile. "You look lovely."

A quiet nod. "Thank you."

Greer clasps her hands together as she inhales sharply. "Well. Your beautiful work is done, and mine is beginning." She gently but firmly guides the prep team toward the door as they fumble for their materials. "If you could please leave us to work in peace."

Juno scowls, bitter hurt slipping into his tone. "Always rushing us off. You do know we know what we're doing, right?"

The young and new stylist hardly even flinches, just smiling again. "I've never had a doubt."

That barely appeases him, but it's already too late, the older team crossing the dressing room's threshold. Juno attempts to sputter once more, "You should know she has—"

Before another word can be spoken, the door is shut and locked. Both Greer and Yelena release a heavy breath. Their dark gazes find each other, smaller but genuine smiles tugging on their lips.

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