Can you accept me like ...

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I stood there staring at Lucifer in his true form with his wings out and all.

"can you accept me like this?" he asked

"can you accept that I'm not that damn detective?" I asked

he looks down.

"well....I'm waiting?" I asked

he looks back at me.

"yes. I can" he says

"then not only can I accept you like you are. but I will love you.  both sides of you. like this and you as a human. cause Unlike that detective you were panting after I don't turn my back when I find out someone's true form. I don't make excuses. I love someone for what's inside not their looks, what they can provide for me, or what I want from them. but how they treat me. their heart" I say

he walked up to me. I watched his every step.

"I'm sorry for all the pain and sarrow I've caused you cause of her. it will never happen again. you've been by my side for so long, yet I've blown you off time and time again and I'm sorry." he says

"lets not fret about the past." I say as I carefully reach up and softly crease his cheek before I walk up closer to him.

"just stay faithful to me and stop sniffing after that detective and we'll be fine. you cheat on me and I'll make you look like a saint " I promised before I pulled him to me and kissed the fire outta him.

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