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Almost a week after my interview, I curled up on the bed and snuggled into the pillow with the duvet draped over me. It was almost one in the afternoon and I know I should've gotten up, but it was Saturday and even Waleed had climbed back in bed after breakfast. He, however, ended up sleeping and was still sleeping while I lay wide awake, alternating between staring at the ceiling or the adorable, peaceful sight of a sleeping Waleed.

I cursed under my breath when my phone rang loudly and instantly silenced it then hushed him back to sleep when he lifted his head with closed eyes to see what had happened. He did too many things to not be sleep deprived. I wasn't going to wake him up if he'd finally decided to sleep.

"Hello?" I whispered into the phone, then carefully got up and walked into the balcony to continue talking.

"Hello, Bhabhi? I didn't disturb you, did I?" It was Shifa on the other side. Even she seemed to me whispering.

"No, you didn't. Why are you whispering?"

"Because you are whispering." That was her reply. It made me snicker loudly before I slapped my hand over my mouth, disguising the sound as a cough.

This girl. This girl's mother. And this girl's father. They were all so different from the man that was my husband that I couldn't deny that there had been a few moments where I'd wondered if he was even related to them. If it weren't for how he was a perfect mix of his mother and father, I really would've doubted if he was their son by blood.

"Okay, okay. Was Waleed not attending your call? Do I need to leave him a message from you or something? He's sleeping right now—"

"No, no. I wanted to talk to you. I wanna go shopping, mind tagging along, my beloved, favorite bhabhi?"

That made me roll my eyes. "I'm your only bhabhi, Shifa."

"Hence, my favorite. Are you free?" I could hear a grin in her voice.

"Yeah, but..."

"All shopping on Bhai."

Very tempting.

"Fine, okay. When?"

"Now. I'm already dressed. I'll come to your house with the driver to pick you up in fifteen minutes. Bye!" She hung up before I could make even a noise of protest. I sighed and looked back at Waleed still sleeping soundly and decided not to disturb him.

After I was done getting ready and had grabbed my purse, I wrote down a note and left it on his nightstand so he would see it first thing once he woke up, and not panic when he didn't see me around.

Really, he was just a big little baby.

And just then my phone vibrated with a text that Shifa had reached. I debated dropping a light peck on his face before leaving but decided against it and left the house, taking my set of keys with me so I could lock the door from outside.

I couldn't have someone kidnapping my millionaire (maybe billionaire. Who knows?) husband, right?

I greeted Shifa with a grin and hug when she got out and slid into the back seat with her as her family driver drove us to the mall.

"Actually, my farewell's coming up soon so I need to get a saree for it. It's part of the dress code." She explained and quickly scrolled through her phone, then held it up to show me the invitation.

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