Meningitis pt1

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Jays pov:

It was 13:00 on a saturday morning, afternoon I should really say.
Cara still hadn't woken up yet I mean she always wakes up late on weekends but never this late, it was unusual so it started to worry me. Will wasn't here as he was called in for a shift today so I went up to her room by myself.
As I walked in her room she was still fast asleep and she was snoring which she never does. I went to shake her awake and as she woke up she said
"Jay what are you doing it's so early"
By that one sentence I could tell she was sick, she sounded so stuffy explaining why she was snoring.

"not it's not care it's past one in the afternoon" i said softly

"no way" she rushed up to check her phone but fell back down

"You okay?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm alright just a bit dizzy" Cara responded but I could tell she felt worse then she was letting on when she jumped up and ran to the bathroom then all I could hear was the sound of throw up and a thump so I quickly ran over to her and she had passed out on the bathroom and as I felt her she was burning up.
I quickly rang Will.

Wills pov:
I felt my phone ring luckily I was on a break or I wouldn't be able to answer it. It was Jay.

I answered the phone
"Hey Jay whats up?"

"Hey, Cara woke up really late so I went to check on her and when I woke her up she felt dizzy, she's completely blocked up, she ran to the bathroom and threw up then passed out, and she's running a terrible fever but she is breathing I'm just letting you know before I bring her in so your not confused" Jay said panicked

"my god um ok yeah bring her in quick" I said in a worried tone
At med:

Wills pov:

Cara had just been brought in and I wasn't allowed to examine her as I'm family so I asked Connor.
He came in and at that moment she woke up.

Cara's pov (14 years old)

My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted with a
"good your awake how you doing" from Connor
I didn't respond, I was still groggy and as I looked down I was somehow in a hospital gown.

"I'm not gonna push you into telling me how your feeling just yet but for now we're just going to try get an iv in to lower your fever and take some blood while we're at it alright" Connor explained to me

"No" i said simply "I'm fine"

Jay stepped in and said "your not fine Care just let them do what they have to do or it'll take longer for you to get better and you'll be here longer"

"I said no"

Then Will stepped in "Care you have to, you passed out and whatever else, you have to whether you do it willingly or not"
I just gave him a glare as I knew he was planning on holding me down along with Jay and I was not okay with that

"Fine" i responded but I wasn't happy
April then walked in and gave me her usual comforting smile and said "I'm going to put in the iv and take the blood with the same needle so you don't have to get poked twice"
I gave her a slight nod

I turned away as she tied off my arm and started to put the needle near me. I jerked my arm away. Jay got closer to me and held my arm still.

"Jay please don't"

"Don't worry it's only for a second"
I felt the needle go in and I winced at the feeling

"Done April announced" and I was shocked at how quick she was.
She tapped the iv down and left along with Connor who said "I'll put the test on rush and get back to you with the results soon"

"Thanks Connor" he just gave Will a nod to say no worries

I was so exhausted and tired I fell asleep right there and then.

Connors pov

I came back into the room and Cara got woken up. As she woke up she put a hand on her neck and moved it side to side.

I looked at her confused "what's wrong"

"Just a stiff neck" she replied still stretching out her neck

"We'll I've got the results back but first Jay ans Will can we talk outside for a quick minute" they followed me out the room and Will closed the door behind him
"What's up" Will asked

Cara has elevated white blood cells and along with her stiff neck, being sick et cetera, not to worry you but there might be a chance she has meningitis"

"Is that bad" Jay asked "how do you know for sure?"

"It can be but not all the time, we'd have to do a spinal tap to confirm" i stated

"which is" Jay asked confused
I was about to explain but Will stepped in

"It's where the patient lies on their side with their knees drawn up to their chest then put a needle in the patients in this case Cara's lower back, the spinal canal and they collect the cerebral spinal fluid for testing" Will explained

"No" Jay said "I mean do what you have to so you can make sure she's okay but no as in she won't go for it"
I completely understood what Jay was saying but "I can't have her moving when I'm doing this it can cause serious damage so we have to find some way to get her to agree cause if we don't do this and she has the worse type of meningitis it could seriously risk her and others"

Cara's pov:

Will, Jay and Connor came back into the room and as they did I immediately said "no" which made them all form confused expressions on their faces.

"What do you mean no" Will asked

"no means no, I heard you guys outside" I replied in an obvious tone
Jay just made a face and the two men standing with him as an 'I told you so' without actually saying it
As Will was about to say something, assuming trying to convince me to do it I interrupted him

"no one's sticking a needle in my back, the answers no so stop trying to convince me okay" I left no room for anyone to want to continue this conversation knowing I'd just argue.

To be continued...

Im so sorry I haven't posted in so long I honestly couldn't be bothered, hopefully now it's half term I can post a bit more.
And please please do lmk any story ideas and as many as you can for the Halstead siblings ;)

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