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Cara was at school and it was break time, her and her friends gathered around in their normal spot eating their snacks when they decided to play truth or dare.

Cara's pov (11 years old):

Me and my friends were sitting in a circle and we wanted to play truth or dare. We were going in order and I was first so my friend Cassie asked me the obvious question

"Truth or dare" she asked

"umm truth" I answered

"oh cmon truth is so boringg" Cassie said

"okay fine then dare" I changed my answer

"I dare you to..." Cassie scanned the playground as she thought about the dare she was going to give me
"oh I know, I dare you to pants that boy over there" she said as her eyes stopped on this random boy

"No Cassie that's no mean" I challenged

"well fine then you can't play with us if your going to be boring" she said back

"okay wait fine I'll do it" I quickly said as they attempted to cut me out of the circle

"Yay" they all said in unison

I got up from the circle and went over to Oliver, that's the boys name they wanted me to pants. I will admit he's not the nicest kid but it still feels so wrong.

"Hi Oliver" I spoke

He looked me up and down
"What do you want" he said moodily

I didn't respond but pulled down his trousers instead.
His eyes widened in embarrassment and tried to pull them back up and all I could hear was the laughs from all the other kids playing including my friends but Cassie most of all.
Until everyone silenced as I heard a teacher shout

"Cara Halstead with me now"

I looked down at my shoes knowing what I did was wrong as I walked away with her, all the other kids went back to their business not before saying "oooooo your in trouble" while Oliver got escorted away.

About 20 minutes later of sitting in my principles office alone my principal walked in, Ms Henderson.

"So would you care to explain to me what was going through your mind that caused you to do such a horrible thing" she asked me

"It was only a joke, Cassie dared me to do it and she said if I didn't I couldn't sit and play with them anymore" I defended myself

"We'll I'm going to have a word with Cassie because she shouldn't have dared you to do that and you shouldn't have done it, if Cassie is telling you to do things like that then I suggest hanging out with new people" she was right

"I'm sorry" I said looking down at my lap playing with my hands "just please don't tell my brothers I promise it won't happen again"

"Oliver's the one you should be saying sorry too, and your brother is already on his way from work" she told me

I quickly looked up "no I'm going to be in soo much trouble" I threw my head back

"Your already in trouble Cara, you've been suspended for two days to think on what you've done" she added

"suspended?! Now I'm going to be in more trouble" I felt like slamming my head into the table repeatedly "wait which brother did you call" I asked

Then a knock appeared at the door before Ms Henderson got a chance to answer me
"Come on in" Ms Henderson shouted

A receptionist lady walked in and said
"There's a Jay Halstead here to speak with you" she announced

"Ah yes bring him in please" she responded

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