Jays Toothache

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Jays pov:

We were sitting eating breakfast together on a weekend and I couldn't eat my food.

"What's wrong Jay" Cara asked me intriguingly but worryingly

"Oh nothing don't worry sweetie" i said

"is it still ur tooth" Will asked knowing it'd been bothering me for a while and he kept telling me to get it checked over

"Yeah" i said simply

"U should go to a dentist" Cara said in a sassy tone

"Thanks for the input Cara" I laughed

Will's pov:

We finished up dinner, Care was playing with her toys and I passed her and she told me "I don't think Jay wants to see a dentist but he should"  "I think your right" i said back to her, as I left her I went to the couch where Jay was sitting and I sat beside him, watched a game together as we did most weekends.

"Jay will you just go" I said as I noticed him wincing anytime he slightly moved his mouth to have a sip of his beer

"Why are you so on my ass about going" Jay asked

"Cause Cara is noticing that you don't want to go and if you don't then she'll be defiant the next time she needs to go" I explained

"I'm a full grown man I can decide wether I want to see a dentist or not" Jay said

"Jay, your going" I told him straight

"I'm not but okay" Jay's stubborn-self said

"stop being so stubborn, don't you want to stop hurting I mean you can't even sip your beer" I told him

"I'll be fine I'm sure it'll go away eventually and I'll drink soup if I have too" he came up with an excuse to not go yet again

"For the rest of your life?" I questioned unrealistically

"Like I said it'll go away eventually" Jay repeated himself

"Jay" i said annoyed

"Will" he said in a mocking tone

"Will you just go for Care" i said getting tired of Jay at this point

"Why would me torturing myself benefit Care" he questioned yet again

"cause if you go then it'll be easier to get her to go to her appointments if your able to go to yours and show her it's alright and stop being dramatic it's not torture" and I explained yet again

"We'll the next time she has an appointment and doesn't want to go we'll just make her and how about you go if it's 'not torture'" Jay said simply, always coming up with a 'fix'

"Your missing the point Jay, if you don't have to go why does she?" I said rhetorically knowing that's how Cara would think "and I don't need to go, if I did then I'd be mature enough to go, unlike some"

"Cause she's a kid and we had to do exactly what she does when we were her age" he answered my question

"Yeah I know that but she's five she won't see it like that, to her if you don't have to go to your appointments then neither does she cause obviously 'it's not that important if jays not going'" I explained to him again quoting what Cara would probably say.

We just ended the conversation at that point and went about out business


Jays pov:

It was Cara's bedtime and I was getting ready to put her to bed.
I had just about tucked her in and finished reading her bed time story.

"The end"  i finished

"Hey Jay" she called out at me

"Yeah Care?" I questioned

"Jay are you gonna go to the dentist?" she asked

"No I'm not" I replied

"Whyyy" she longed out the y

"Cause I don't need to" I simply told her

"Does that mean I don't need to when my tooth hurts?" She wondered

"No you do need to go" emphasising the you

"But if you don't need to go why do I?" Saying Exactly what Will said she'd say

"Cause um- " wondering how I'm gonna lie myself out of this one

Will leaning against her bedroom door which I didn't know until I heard a snicker from that direction and say him smirking knowing he was right and his point was proven.

"Yeah, why is that Jay" Will added with a smile
And I just made a noise and fake smiled back at him almost imitating him.

"Because..." I said not really having a reason

"Because?" Will moved his hand along gesturing for me to continue with my reason

Will then came over to the bed, kissed Cara on the head and said

"Don't worry sweetie Jay is going" Will then gave me a glare "goodnight" he said to her

"Okay, night Will, night Jay" she said then turned herself to the side and closed her eyes

"Night night Care" I responded back to her and me and Will left her room and closed the door behind us

"Before you say anything Jay, I'm not arguing with you, your going or I swear to god I'll tell Voight to make it mandatory" Will said leaving no room for argument

"Yeah yeah alright, I'll go okay no need to cry about it" i said as I was gonna end up going anyways, my tooth was really killing

The next morning I went to my appointment and honestly it wasn't too bad but it weren't great

Wills pov:

As soon as Jay walked through the door back from his appointment Cara greeted him "do you want a sucker or ice cream"

Jay chuckled "I think I'll take ice cream"

"okay more suckers for me next time then" Cara said

"See Jay, she said next time, cause you went she will too, see how i'm always right" i said with a smirk

"She'll change her mind when the day comes you just wait" Jay stated and smiled slightly


Ik I took so long to update I'm so sorry Ive just have no idea what to write so if u guys could give me ideas please lmk.

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