Smoking in school!? Pt1

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Cara (14 years old):

"Hey Cara" Izzy whispered to me, we were sitting next to each other in science class and we had to be so quiet so Ms White couldn't hear us

"Yeah?" I asked her barley moving my lips and still looking forward

"Look down" she told me
I slightly look and see her holding a bag of weed, atleast I think and the paper to roll it up in
"You want some?" She smirked

"Are you crazy, you want to do it in class?" I whispered to her yet in a shouting tone

"no of course not we'd go to the bathroom at different times so they don't suspect anything and do it in there" Izzy explained

"Is there something you two girls would like to share with the class" Ms White heard us and asked

"Yeah actually Ms I really need to go to the toilet" Izzy said making a really desperate face to seem convincing

"Okay fine but take a toilet pass" Ms White sighed

Izzy quickly whispered to me come in five minutes.
I was contemplating in my head whether I should go or not.

I put my hand up "um miss I feel really sick I think I'm going to be sick" I pretend to gag, I really should go into acting.

"Go quickly then Cara, I don't want you to be sick in here" Ms White spoke urgently, rushing me out

I quickly rushed out of the classroom acting like I was going to be sick and made my way to the bathroom where izzy was

"What took you so long" Izzy asked

"It was only 3 minutes" i said looking at the time on my phone

"We'll it felt like longer" she said "anyways I already rolled a few before you came, here" Izzy held one out to me

I kind of just looked at it not knowing if I should do it or not

"We'll... are you going to take it or not" she asked "we don't have all the time in the world"

"It's just I've never done it before" I told her

"Neither have I, I stole it from my brothers stash, first time for everything right?" She said and pushed her hand forward even more gesturing for me to take it

I took it from her "wait how olds your brother to be having this" I asked

"Oh he's 22 and still living with my parents it's kinda sad" she told me "alright you ready?"

"I guess so" I made a face as if I weren't sure
I put the joint in my mouth and Izzy took a lighter to it

After lightning both of ours up, we took a puff but as neither of us had done it before we both went into a coughing fit and soon started dying of laughter

We continued taking puffs until we finished one after the other, I was ready to drop and so was Izzy but the looks of her but then we heard the fire alarm go off and that put our minds straight.

"Put it out, put it out, quick" Izzy said

"I'm trying" I said back and at that moment Ms white walked in

"What on earth are you guys doing in here still, don't you know the fire alarm has gone off and-" she stopped herself and realised that there was no fire and what had actually set off the alarm

"Principles office now! The two of you." She shouted louder then I have ever heard before "and you can take your mess with you to show her what you've done" she told us

I'm so dead.

We made it to her office and she was confused and asked us
"What are you girls still doing here, haven't you heard the fire alarm" she asked

"Um well there is no fire ms" I explained

"And how could you know that" she questioned

"cause we caused the alarm to go off, not a fire"
Izzy stepped in

She sat forward in her chair and made an intrigued face "and how exactly did you do that"

We didn't say anything but just held our hands forward with what was left of everything sitting in them

"Oh right, I see" her eyes widened "both of you take a seat outside of my office and wait for you parents to come in" she instructed us and on our way out I heard her say into her walkie talkie how it was a false alarm and for students and teachers to return to their classes as normal and she got a 'copy that' in response

Me and Izzy sat on the bench outside and she asked me "your so dead, I mean a police officer and a doctor for guardians, your seriously gonna get the boot" she told me as if I didn't already know

"Thanks Iz" i said sarcastically "what about you, are you not gonna be in big trouble" I asked

"The most they'll do is probably take my phone for a day and ground me for a week" she said "but I have an extra phone stored so it's all good"

"I heard that Izzy and now your parents will know too" The principal shouted from her office

"It's okay I have a third too" she whispered to me smirking and I chuckled

"I wish all they'd do is take my phone" i said under my breath
I then saw Will walk through the door. Thank god.

"Smoking Cara?! You were smoking!? In school of all places" Will basically screamed at me

"Can you stop shouting please classroom doors are open, your gonna embarrass me" I asked him quietly

"I'm going to do a whole lot more then just embarrass you, head to the car now" he said, I honestly don't think I've ever seen him so angry

"Bye Izzy" i said to her as I headed to the car

"Good luck" she shouted out to me

I finally go into the car and waited for Will to get back, he was probably speaking to my principal

When I could see Will I quickly put my seat belt on and sat back. I usually sit in the front if only one brother is in the car but I don't think it'd be best for me to be that close to them

Will go into the car and the first thing he said was "phone."

I looked at his hand that he turned to the back seat and look at it then back at him and said "only if it's my only punishment" I tried to bargain

"oh trust me it's not, not from me or Jay, now give me the phone or I'm going to add to the list and I can promise you that you won't like it, your in no place to bargain" he told me

"It was worth a shot tho" i complained under my breath before slamming my phone into his hand

"Lose the attitude" he told me and began driving but not in the direction of our house.
I definitely wasn't going to ask tho he wasn't exactly the happiest with me I'll say. But I could guess that we were either going to the station or med to check me out. I don't even know which one I'd prefer, both sound horrible, either face the rath from Jay and disappointment from everyone there or from everyone at med. I don't want Maggie to be mad at me.

We finally pulled up at... to be continued


Sorry if it seems rushed I wrote this in less then 20 minutes because I need to update as I haven't got a while. This is going to be a 2 or 3 part story as it's getting to be too long. Hope u like it.

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