Vaccine pt2

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Wills pov:

But then I saw her attempting to leave the hall, slowly creeping out the door.
I quickly got up and went after to her and she saw me a started speed walking away from me.

And she kept walking away from me "Cara Grace
Halstead come here now" i said in a whispered shout trying to not draw attention to us, i speed walked after her like her as she then tried to run away.

As I caught up to her I grabbed her but she kept thrashing in my arms and screaming

"Cara, Cara stop" trying to get her to hear me over her screams "this is embarrassing for both me and you so just stop, right now" she finally stopped probably realising that she goes to school with these people so if anyone noticed she wouldn't live it down.

"Can you put me down please" she asked with a sigh after she had calmed down

"Promise your not going to run away" i bargained

"Fine, I promise" she said

I put her down put kept my hands on her shoulders just incase she wanted to turn back on that promise.

"I'm not doing it" she said plainly

"you are" i answered back

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I'm no-" she tried to say again before I cut her off

"Oh my gosh Cara, I'll tell you what you don't have to do it here but I'm going to save one for you and we're going to do it at home so it's more comfortable for you, and Jay's going to be home when it happens cause I know damn well you won't stay still for the life of you" I told her

"but Will I-"

"Orr we could just do it here and now with the rest of the students"

"no thanks I'll take option one"

"thought so" I said as I took her hand and smirked

I walked Cara into a classroom leaving her with a teacher and explained the situation to her. I went back to administer my set of kids their vaccines and after a lot of crying, fighting and fainting I was finally done, or almost I still had one more, Cara of course.

I went to fetch Care and we went to the car and made our way home.

We arrived at home and got to the front door and as we walked in Jay was sitting on the couch.

"Hey how'd it go" he asked straight away

"She didn't get it" i said as I lead her to the couch with my hands on her shoulders

"what do you mean she didn't get it" he asked again confused

"I mean she didn't get it"

"Cara cmon" Jay said

"no no it's okay, she ran away from me so we had an agreement and I told her we can do it at home" i explained to Jay "Care sit down" i said and motioned to her after I finished talking to Jay

"honestly guys I really don't think I need it or it's even necessary" Cara said trying to get up to back off obviously not wanting this vaccine

"Hey hey hey, we had an agreement no backing out now" i told her

"Care scoot closer to me so I can hold you better" Jay said

She scooted closer to me and Jay practically put her on his lap knowing she would most likely fidget.

I came closer to them with the vaccine and like me and Jay both assumed she tried to get out of Jays grasp.

"Care calm down it's alright" Jay comforted her

"can't you at least use a smaller needle" she asked as she squinted and winced at the size

"no I can't but it's not that big sweetheart" I explained to her, it was honestly the smallest one I could use, the only one I had at the moment anyways

"but-" she continued

"hey stop avoiding it" Jay said

"I'm sorry I just-" she continued again

But I cut her off "on the count of three alright"

"Wait" she started to wiggle


"You need to loosen your arm or it's gonna hurt more" Jay explained to Cara but she was too nervous to budge

"Three" i said as I stuck her with it

"ow owww" she complained "that hurts so bad, why's it taking so long ahhh ow"

"Sorry sorry" I told her with sympathy "and...done"
I pulled out the needle and put a bandaid on her.

Jay released her from his hold and she got off of his lap, she headed off to her room
And Jay shouted to her "change your clothes then come back down for dinner please"
No response, I think she was a little upset with us.

When she had come down stairs and Jay was in the kitchen dishing out the food she was rubbing her arm.

"You okay?" I asked her

"What do you think you just jabbed me with a fucki- flipping needle" she answered back

"Hey watch your language, the word that you were going to say and the word you did say, don't say it" Jay shouted from the kitchen "and it probably hurts more cause you wouldn't stop tensing Care" she just rolled her eyes and went to sit down

I also went to sit down, our plates were placed in front of us and we began eating. Once we had finished we went about our day. What a day.

I'm so sorry this 2nd part has taken so long it wasn't supposed to I only had a few lines to finish I just couldn't be bothered tbh but enjoy! :)

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