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"Ahhh" i screamed as I cut my arm on the edge of my drawer
I quickly ran down the stairs clutching onto my arm as blood sept through the gaps between my fingers
"Do we have bandaids?"

Jay poked his head out of the kitchen, as he saw blood he quickly turned the stove off and laid all of his attention onto me "what the hell happened Cara"

"Nothing big I just cut myself a little, I just need a bandaid" i said

Jay went and fetched a towel "here let me see it, move you hand"
I did as I was told

"That's deep Care, that's gonna need more then a bandaid" i told her

"No no it's fine it's not even that deep it's just cause of the blood" I told him

"I'm gonna get Will see what he says" Jay said as he called Will down from his room
He jogged down the stairs and said "yeah what's up"

"Come have a look at Cara's arm, does it need stitches?"

"Stitches!?" I asked dramatically

"Damn Care, how'd you do that" Will asked not expecting it to be that bad

"I cut it against my wooden desk when I was trying to do something" I told them

"I can't really tell the depth with all the blood, I need to wash it out" he guided me to the bathroom where we washed most of the blood away, the most we could anyways as it wouldn't stop bleeding

After inspecting it Will said "yeah that definitely needs stitches but I'll need to clean it out first"

"Honestly it's fine if I just wrap it up it'll be okay" i said hopefully

"No Care that could get an infection" Jay interjected
Will went and got all of his supplies and sat me down on the couch not before putting a towel down

"Really? A towel" i said unimpressed

"What? I don't want blood stains on the couch" Will said
I just clocked my head at him to the side

"It's a nice couch" he put his hands by his head and defended

"Put ur hand forward" he asked "I need to clean out any little pieces from the wood" he told me

I put my arm out and as he started picking them out I couldn't help but wince

"Sorry" he said genuinely as he continued taking them out "alright I'm done"

"so we can wrap it up and be done now?" I asked with a hopeful smile

"Not exactly, rest your arm above the bowl" he asked me "put this in your mouth" he said as he gave me a little hand towel wrapped up "it's gonna hurt quite a bit" then he began pouring alcohol over my wound

"Sonuvabitvh" i muffled into the towel while screaming
I soon felt a slight swat at the back of my head

I took the towel out of my mouth as Will had stopped "you can't hit an injured person"

"That's $5 in the jar later" Jay told me

"Cmon you can give her a pass Jay, she's in pain" Will defended

"Yeah I'm in pain" i echoed

"You think your so smart" he said to me I just cheekily smiled at him until it soon dropped as I saw a syringe in Wills hand

"Not smiling any more are you" Jay said to me as he too noticed what Will held in his hand

"NoTSmIlliNgaNyMOreaREyOu" i mocked him

"Will you both stop bickering" Will asked

"What's that for" I asked referring to what sat in his hand

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