Part 1 - Call

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Marcella's POV

I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys is playing on my phone as I dance around the kitchen. It's around 6am, the soft orange glow of sunrise slowly creeping up the walls of my studio flat. I grab a butter knife and spread some Nutella onto my toast, humming as I go. I clear everything away then make my way over to the couch with my toast and smoothie.

I'm awake at this un-holy hour because I'm expecting a call from Nick Fury about my next job with S.H.I.E.L.D.

He's never too specific about the time he's going, he says it's something about security.

I think he's just unorganised.

I've been doing quick jobs for Fury on and off to rake up some money.He's got the biggest company in the business  so the money is always good. I would work for him full time if it wasn't  for my own little project have going on.

There's also the problem that James Barnes works for S.H.I.E.L.D. I've never had to work with him because always ask for one-man job.That's partially because I don't want to risk having to be around him and not slit his throat, but also work better alone.

I always have and I always will.

I grab the TV remote and put on the first How To Train Your Dragon movie. I don't understand why people think its just for kids, it's the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time and think everyone should enjoy it.

Plus Hiccup is hot.

Just as reach the scene where Astrid and Hiccup are flying on Toothless my phone begins to ring. I pause my movie and take a look at the caller.

Unknown Caller ID

Fury never calls from the same number so I never have a number to save. It's quite annoying really, never know if I'm going to get a random scammer telling me I've broken a rib or if I'm going to get Fury.

"Hello," I answer.

"Sage," it's Fury. "I need you on the 9:15am plane to Bucharest  and don't you dare be late. This is the biggest job yet so I'm going to be meeting you there to discuss details. You'll need to pack for at least 2 weeks, I'll buy you anything you need after that."

"What do you mean 'after that', my jobs with you never last more than a week.

"I told you already Sage this is the biggest mission you'll ever have to do. I need you for it, you're one of my best assassins and I don't trust anyone else to do it properly."

"You know I have other things going on Fury. I don't have time to be away for longer than a week."

"This mission alone will be more than enough to fund your search until you find them all. I'm talking a £500,000 call out payment and 10 million if you kill the target."

Fuck. I've never gotten more then £100,000 for anything I've done for S.H.I.E.L.D. If I finished this I would be able to focus on finding the men who murdered my parents and I would be able to afford more then enough resources to do it.


I'm on the plane to Bucharest. It was a rush to get packed and actually make it on my flight on time because I thought it would be a lovely idea to finish watching HTTYD before I even thought about anything else.

I remembered to pack all of my essentials though. Knives, Herbert, a gun, a couple burner phones, my laptop, my personal phone, jewellery and enough clothes to last me until I have time to buy more. Don't ask me how I got all those through the airport security, let's just say it's pretty easy when most of them are in Fury's pocket.

Nick Fury said he would have one of his drivers come pick me up from the airport. When I asked him where they would be all he said was "trust me you'll see them."

What the hell is that meant to mean.

I still have 1 and a half hours left of my flight so I get out my laptop and continue my research on the people who were there when my parents were murdered.

I've already killed a few men and woman I've linked to anyone who was there, trying to torture answers out of them. But everytime I get close to finding him, their leader, he disappears again. I can't get my hands on the fuckers real name. He uses the name "Silencer".

It's a stupid name if you ask me.

All I need is to get a photo of his face or his real name and it's over for him. He's pretty good at hiding I'll give him that much.

There is one man's name I could find though. Alexander Pierce. He was there. He was there when the Silencer killed my mum and dad.

From what I could find Alexander wasn't very high up in the Silencers little club at the time of my parents death, but that doesn't change that fact that he saw what happened to them and he might know something that can help me.

I try running his name through a tracker program but it comes back with nothing.

An announcement sounds through the plane and the pilot tells us to put on our seat belts and prepare for landing.

As soon as the plane hits the ground I grab my carry on and rush out of the plane. I follow all the signs to where luggage pick-up is and when I see my black suitcase come around I take it and make my way through the airport to the car park.

Fury wasn't lying when he told me I'd spot it. A man in a all black suit stands, holding the name Sage on a fancy ass piece of paper, in front of a bright red Ferrari.

"Hello, I'm Sage," I introduce my self, offering my hand for the driver to shake.

"Good afternoon Sage, please take a seat," he says as he opens the door for me. I go to put my suitcase in the boot of the car but he reaches for it instead. I take a seat, slightly uncomfortable with having someone else do everything for me.

He puts my bag in the boot then rounds the car to climb in the drivers seat. Once he's settled in the car he takes off.

"Do you know how long the drive is?" I ask him. I'm meeting Fury at one of his 'away' office buildings. His main base is over in America but he has smaller properties scattered all over the globe.

This is the first time I'll be seeing Fury in person, its always just been calls and video chats before this, so he must think this target is very important.

"I believe it's only 15 minutes miss," the driver answers. That's not as long as I expected the journey to be, I'm happy I get to know the details of my mission sooner.

We pull up to a newly renovated store house not long after. It's about a 5 minutes drive from any socialisation. It looks around two stories high, not too big. There's more of  Fury's men outside and two of them come to greet us. My door is opened for me and the driver gets my bag from the back of the cat.

"Hello Sage," one of the men greets, "we will bring your bags inside to wait, if you could follow me please." The two guards who came to meet us guide me into the building as the driver moves my bag.

Inside the building the left side still looks like a store house but the right has been made into two stories of what I assume is office's and computer rooms. The guards guide me up the black metal stairs and through a small hallway until we reach a large metal door.

The man to my right steps forward and knocks 3 times.

"Come in," a voice sounds from inside. The guards take a step back and turn to face each other standing at opposite ends of the hall.

I push the door open and I find Nick Fury sat behind a large wooden table, that's when my eyes drift to the other man in the room. He's sat in one of the seats with his back turned to me, but I recognise his tall frame immediately.

"What the hell is he doing here."

Enemies On The Mission [b.barnes]Where stories live. Discover now