Part 18 - Father

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Marcella's POV

I wake up with the warm glow of the sun on my face.

Shit my stomach really hurts.

I slowly open my eyes and look around, i have a needle attached to a bag of blood next to me and there's a blanket over me, I look under it and I'm still in the same outfit as yesterday.

What I assume is yesterday.

I'm in some kind of a bedroom, the door's open and no ones here. I try to sit up but my stomach shoots in pain and all the breath goes from my body. "Owww" I cough out, "you bastard."

I hear something that sounds like a pan falling to the floor then a few seconds after footsteps approach my room.

James walks in and when he sees I'm awake he stops and let's out a sigh of relief. He's wearing a new outfit, gray joggers and a black T-shirt.

"You're awake," he says walking over to me and frantically helping me to sit up. "Are you feeling okay? I can get you more pain killers if you wan-"

"James," I groan, "I'm fine can you just sit down?"

He looks a bit taken aback before he hesitatly sits on the chair next to the bed.

I pull the stupid needle out of my arm and he glares at the action but doesn't say anything. "Why didn't you say anything about your father?" I ask him.

"Marcella you just woke up, we don't have to do this now," he says calmly looking me in the eye.

"Yes we do. What's going on James?" I ask quietly.

"I don't know what's going on right now doll. But I will answer any questions you have about my father or anything else," he says.

"You'll answer honestly?" I ask.

"I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I say holding out my pinky to him "You can't break a pinky promise James. It basically goes against the laws of the universe."

He laughs softly, "you're such a fucking child."

"I said do you pinky promise Barnes," I say more harshly, jabbing my finger into his arm.

"Fucking hell okay," he says lifting his pinky and hooking it in mine.

"You have to say 'pinky promise' or it doesn't count," I smile at him.

He rolls his eyes but does it anyway, "I pinky promise."

"Good," I say taking my hand back and putting in under the covers. James follows the movement with his eyes after I let go of him. "Did you know he was in the office next to yours?"


"You told me you have my phone number, if you found me why didn't you kill me? And you have to actually answer me this time."

"I was going to," he says, "I planned it all out and I had a clear sniper shot of you once, but I couldn't do it," his jaw clenches before his face relaxes again.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Don't know," he says finally breaking eye contact with me.

"You told me you would answer James," I say.

"I am answering, I don't know. I never hesitate to kill anyone but with you it was... different. I just couldn't do it. You looked so innocent and I guess I just felt connected to you somehow," he says. He won't meet my eyes, almost like he's nervous.

It goes silent for a moment before I ask my next question, "What's his real name?" He knows who I'm talking about.

He looks up at my again, "George Barnes."

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