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ARRANGING THE BOOK NEATLY on the side of her desk Fuyumi looked out of the window to see the rain splattering against the window harshly with dark clouds looming in the sky, Maybe she should have gone home early

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ARRANGING THE BOOK NEATLY on the side of her desk Fuyumi looked out of the window to see the rain splattering against the window harshly with dark clouds looming in the sky, Maybe she should have gone home early.

Fuyumi worked at an elementary school and today she had stayed back to finish up some work, but as her luck had it a thunderstorm hit shortly and there was no way she was going to be able to walk home in this weather, a cab was also out of the option because she was pretty sure none were moving because of the terrible weather.

Fuyumi sighed slightly as she sat down on the couch of the teachers lounge, guess she was spending the night here, the only good thing was tomorrow was a weekend and so at least she won't be working exhausted.

The female Todoroki closed her eyes, god was she tired right now, Maybe she should just sleep. Getting herself comfortable on the couch Fuyumi laid down closing her eyes to block out the thunderstorm outside, it wasn't that she was scared of it, she just didn't particularly like it.

As soon as her eyes closed thoughts started flooding in, What about Natsu and Shoto? What will they eat? Fuyumi was pretty sure there was nothing at home. As panic start to rise in her, the girl calmed herself, Natsu was a good cook, he could manage one day.

By this time Natsu was mostly at home since their father was busy working but if by chance what if Natsu was also struck somewhere?! What about Shoto? The poor boy didn't even know to cook...What if he burned down the house trying to make something?!

Fuyumi jolted from the couch shaking her head, well her habit of over thinking hasn't clearly gone, good to know. Besides Shoto was at school now due to the dorm system. The white haired women's attention was then once again drawn towards the window where lightning flashed across the sky.

Walking across the lounge Fuyumi reached the window looking up at the sky, "This weather just seems to be getting worst," She mumbled softly placing her hand against the cool window glass. 

With the intent to try and get some sleep Fuyumi turned towards the couch when something caught her eye. She blinked hard trying to figure out if what she saw was actually there or was her tired mind playing games on her.

Was that a person sitting out in the rain?!

In the little alleyway between the school building and the building next to it, a figure was there slumped against the wall. Even though Fuyumi was on the second floor of the school building she could clearly tell that the person wasn't moving.

The hero blood in her veins kicking up and of course for the sake of being a decent human being the Todoroki grabbed an umbrella and rushed downstairs, outside the building to check if this person was alive or dead.

The air was thick and humid with water running down the side of the alley, Fuyumi gripped on to the umbrella tightly as she shielded her eyes, pathetically trying to stop the rain drop from distorting her glasses.

Finally coming closer to the figure she looked at him, he was slumped on the ground with his back against the wall, the person's legs were outstretched in front of him and his head was bowed.

Fuyumi quickly held the umbrella above the person's head as she crouched in front of him.


No response, Fuyumi tried again.

"Hey! Are you ok?"

Once again the person didn't reply.

Oh my god was this person dead?!

She could make out that this person was breathing, placing a hand on his shoulder Fuyumi shook the man slightly.

"Hey come on please wake up! Maybe I should just call someone," Slowly as it was Fuyumi's eyes met bright golden hues freezing her on spot, ironic as her quick was ice based.

"You talk a lot you know," The man said his voice scratchy and coursed sounding. She couldn't quite make out his face thanks to the blood covering his face.

"Your bleeding! Let me help you!" Fuyumi said slightly reaching to the person's blood covered face. The man reached to his face touching the blood  before wiping it off on his pants, "It's alright I'm fine."

Fuyumi laughed without humor in her tone, "Sir your sitting in a random alleyway in the middle of a thunderstorm bleeding and just a few moments ago you were unconscious, so in my books your not exactly fine," the white head scolded.

The man shook his head as he tried to stand up pushing away the umbrella, "I told you I'm fine and I'm leaving right now," Fuyumi watched with an eyebrow raised as the stranger used the wall next to him to stand up.

Halfway up he grimaced grabbing on to his side which now that Fuyumi looked closely upon was also bleeding. The stranger looked at his blood soaked side and then at Fuyumi who was observing him, finally he shot her a guilty smile.

She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or scold him, she finally settled upon shaking her head with a ghost of a smile. Fuyumi then moved closer covering him with the umbrella, "First let's get you inside."

Grabbing his right arm Fuyumi swung it over her shoulder, her other one holding onto the umbrella. Using all the strength she could muster up she held them both up before she started to walk in the direction of the school.

Since the school was technically closed they had to take the back door but thankfully the back door was right next to the elevator so they didn't have to walk much.

Reaching the teachers lounge Fuyumi kicked the door open using her leg since both her arms were currently occupied. Dropping his arm for the moment prompting him to lean against the wall Fuyumi grabbed a near by chair and made him slouch against it.

A couch would have been more comfortable but how exactly was she going to explain the blood stains on the couch to the other teachers, after all this wasn't exactly her home and not did she had the money that would be needed to replace the couch.

Alright now to patch up the stranger.

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