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AFTER DIGGING THROUGH the cabinet Fuyumi finally pulled out a first aid kit, children are normally very reckless, add quirk developing children into the mix and the result can be very deadly so it was made a point to have one first aid in each room

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AFTER DIGGING THROUGH the cabinet Fuyumi finally pulled out a first aid kit, children are normally very reckless, add quirk developing children into the mix and the result can be very deadly so it was made a point to have one first aid in each room.

Holding the kit she made her way towards the stranger, "You might have to remove your jacket and shirt," Fuyumi said motioning towards the clothes which were filthy enough that she couldn't quite make out its colour.

Nodding his head, he moved to remove his clothing articles only to stop short after a wince. Setting aside the kit, Fuyumi kneeled before him, wordlessly offering to help him.

Being as delicate as possible she helped his slide of his coat revealing a black shirt with a wavy golden pattern, once again stained with blood. Hooking her fingers through the edge, she helped him raise his arms as she slid it off his frame to reveal the gash.

Despite the harsh wound and her stoic face, Fuyumi couldn't help as her cheeks tinted red. The guy in front of her in simple words had a divine body, a slim waist packed with muscles and a V line that she only saw in magazines.

Seems like even he could tell where her thoughts wandered because the moment she glanced at his face he was staring back at her intently with a coy smirk marring his face despite the wound.

"Yes?" Fuyumi asked professionally, focusing on cleaning his wound, "Nothing, your hand's are just cold." The man drawled lazily, not bothering to shift his gaze from her face.

"It's my quirk," She mumbled, Fuyumi wasn't a doctor but she knew basic first aid, enough for this stranger in front of her to not bleed out in the teacher's lounge.

"So what happened? I mean how did you end up getting hurt?" Fuyumi questioned as she cleaned the gash using the cloth, trying to focus on the task rather than the feeling of his burning stare. "Nothing much the usual, Some psycho decided to play with a knife, I stopped him but he managed to cut me before that," Fuyumi hummed.

Silence eluded them as Fuyumi continued to work.

"They're all done!" Fuyumi said as she stood up dusting her hand looking at her handy work, it wasn't professionally done like they do in hospitals but she had patched him up enough. The man stood up and looked at his wound, twisting a little, "Hey don't move! You'll end up opening it!"

"Right sorry," The golden eyed man apologised as he rubbed the back of his head, it was then that Fuyumi noticed that his face was still covered in blood and he was basically half naked.

Quickly walking towards the cabinet at the end of the room, Fuyumi dug through it. The male teachers usually wore formal clothing and they wore it from home but the Physical Ed sir sometimes left an extra pair of clothes in the lounge just in case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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