1~Back At It

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A/N: For this story please pretend Luna is in sixth year thank you!

 Y/n's pov:

     As I stepped back onto the Hogwarts Express leading me into my 6th year the terrible feeling came flooding back to me. The intense want to run into the bathroom and cry found a comfortable place in the back of my head, and I knew it had no intention of leaving. Although I'd have to restrain myself from the anxiety of my school peers that just so easily gets mixed with my logic, I entered the train seeming unbothered by my previous year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I doubt the act I put on made any difference, as I'm known to be the shy, innocent little crybaby who can't even answer a question in class nevermind stand up for herself.

     As I was walking through the train staring at my feet I heard a snarky voice that belonged to a Hufflepuff say, "Oh, poor baby's so sad she can't get a boyfriend. Hey, maybe if you miraculously have have a physical, mental and-well..everything glow-up, you might actually trick someone into snogging you." Don't you fucking cry Y/n, I told myself. Of course, my emotions didn't listen to my head. I start walking faster, trying to get the seventh year to leave me be. "Oh you really are a baby! I was just using an expression, but i stand corrected!" The boy laughed as he jogged by my side. I rushed to the compartment that had my one and only friend in it and shut the door in the boy's face locking it behind me.

     "Hello Y/n," my friend greeted in her usual dreamy voice, "How was your summer?" "It was ok," I replied still a little stunned by the sudden reminder that this year will be the same as the last. "How about you Luna?" "Well Dad took me to find demiguises. The one we found turned invisible because it got scared but then I fed it some treats and it told me that this year at school, a few students will be picked to have an adventure," Luna told me happily. "That sounds really cool! I wonder what the adventure will be," I wondered out loud. "Me too, and I wonder when we'll find out," with that, Luna and I fell into a comfortable silence. She read the daily prophet while I simply daydreamed trying not to get caught in my own worrisome thoughts.

     Luna and I met on our first year at Hogwarts. Everyone thought she was weird and everyone thought I was a baby so we ended up being outcasts together. Since no one wanted to hang out with us, we hung out together. Ever since then, We've been friends. Luckily, over the years people have been getting friendlier towards Luna and I, but especially to Luna, but that changed for me because of what happened last year. Now I'm not invisible, I'm the center or criticism. I miss being invisible.

     We finally arrived to the school and quickly tossed our trunks to our dorms(which I share with Luna) then we headed to the great hall for sorting and announcements. Everyone went outside and we saw a carriage led by horses with wings soar through the sky and land near Hogwarts. Then a large ship suddenly emerged from the water of the cold Black Lake. 

     Soon after, Luna and I hurried inside. Luna and I sat down across from each other at the Ravenclaw table. The sorting ceremony was about to start and that's when I caught a slight glimpse of Cedric Diggory. Just seeing him took me back to the day it all started.

     *It was my first day of advanced potions and I was excited to be with Luna in a sixth-year-course. The class we had was with Hufflepuff and the older Ravenclaw sixth years. Unfortunately, my favorite class is taught by my least favorite professor, Professor Snape. I find potions to be so interesting and I love experimenting with my own. 

     Snape is already hard on everyone, but for some reason he always comments about my work to the whole class. Normally I do fine, but it feels like I get no privacy and like he's trying to prove that I'm not as good as I think I am even though I don't believe myself to be all that great anyways. It also doesn't help that I hate talking in class, I almost always know the answer but I hate speaking out loud. 

French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now