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Y/n's pov:

     I'm soooooo glad that we get one day to settle in before classes start, I can't deal with the school part of school yet. I plan to sit in my room the entire day. It's annoying because I am feeling social right now, but I just don't feel myself here. I mean everyone rants about how awesome it is here and I just feel uncomfortable. Most of that is because of what happened last year, but I never really felt like I could express myself here.

     I woke up this morning at 6:00 am. I am an early bird and always have a routine to my morning. First, I drink water, then I do some stretching to get the blood flowing, next I take a shower and do my skincare. I then change into my floral tank top with a little pink bow at the neckline, and my fuzzing cream-colored pajama pants.

     At around 6:45 I headed downstairs for breakfast while wearing my earbuds and listening to Lana Del Rey. Since it's so early there aren't many people down here, and the few that are, sit quietly enjoying the peaceful morning. I sit at the Ravenclaw table along with a few other Ravenclaw students (none of which are from my year) and grab a pumpkin muffin from a tray full of different sorts and pour myself some tea from the pot that stays piping hot. I pull out my book and read it while I have a quiet breakfast. Early breakfasts are the best. I never have to worry about so many people being there, I can truly have a morning all to myself.

     After I've finished my breakfast and read for a bit, I go back to my dorm and find Luna awake. "How early did you wake up?" she asked me, "It's only 8:00 now."

     "Oh, just at," I pause not wanting to have this as a topic, my parents hate it when I wake up early and make fun of me for it, "6-ish."

     "Did you have a good morning then?" she asked me. I love that Luna turns my dumb worries into discussions that makes me feel normal.

     "Yes, it was very calming. In fact I might go to the room of requirement to practice-um....you know-uh-ballet or whatever," I add feeling like a baby.

     "Sounds nice! Have a good time!" She said.

     "I will! Thanks!" I say with a change in spirit and then go to change into my outfit. I am wearing a baby-blue leotard with pink tights, a pink wrap skirt, a grey shrug, and grey high leg warmers. I pack my point shoes into a tote bag as well as my speaker. Then I go to the bathroom and put my hair into a slick bun and put on some light makeup. I slide my boots on and cautiously step out the door waving to Luna.

     Now that it's around 8:30 more kids are out and about so I take a secret passageway I found in 4th year that leads to the room of requirement. I got there with ease and the room revealed itself to me as it always does. A ballet bar is displayed in the middle of the room for me to use. I gladly start some warm up music and do a few simple bar routines. I then stretch and bend my weirdly flexible joints. As I stretch my body I recall last year on April fools day when I hid in Luna's drawer with my legs wrapped around my head. She totally freaked out.

     I then take off my war ups (leg warmers and shrug) and put on my point shoes that suffocate my feet. I do some releves and eleves to warm up my ankles so I don't break my foot or something. Finally, I am ready to begin the best part!

     I play the music that I've been dancing to and recall the steps I last came up with. I do a quick walk through without actually dancing just to make sure I remember. 'tombe pas de bourree pirouette arabesque tour jete land it arabesque tour jete land it bourree bourree bourree bourree turn balance balance balance balance arabesque step through pas de bourree pirouette land in fifth six Italian fouettes and land it' that's it I say to myself. Ok, time to actually start dancing.

     The music plays and I feel it consume me so that it thrives in me as I thrive in it. My cue started and I start with my choreography, I feel most myself when I dance it brings me happiness. Feeling the music is just as important as the steps. If I'm dancing off-beat it won't feel right and it won't look right. My goal is to not only have good choreo and technique, but to be one with the music, to feel it pulse through my veins. That is what brings dance to life and it's the one thing that will never leave me, I wont let it. Not only do I dance when I have peace, I dance when I'm stressed it calms me down and allows me to embody my emotions with the movements. I do different styles of dance when I feel these different emotions. Today I feel orderly. I need to have precision, I don't know what's ahead in real life so to counter this, I chose ballet. In ballet I have my choreo, I have my technique, and I can perfect my performance. 

     The parts of the song that have been determined have past and I am left with this music that acts as my canvas. An empty space waiting to be decorated. I take a deep breath and let out a happy sigh. I run my dance multiple times and decide it's time to go.

     I remove my point shoes and feel relieved that my toes aren't bloody. Being a dancer is a dangerous, and difficult thing and it's annoying that no one understands that. I put my warm ups back on (leg warmers and shrug) and check the time. Oh wow. It's already 10:56. I leave the room of requirements and I hear someone say my name, "Y/n? Is that you?" she said from down the hall.

     "Fleur?" I shout to her.

     "Yes it is me!" she exclaimed jogging closer to me, "What are you doing here? And what are you wearing? It looks cute!" She rambles.

     "Oh, umm ah I-I like to-uh- well dance," I chuckle oh my godrick why am I so awkward.

     "Really?! I don't think I've ever known anyone who danced that's cool! How long have you been dancing?" she continued and I thought of how she sure knows how to keep a conversation going. I know that sounds like I'm annoyed, but I honestly admire that. I am always too awkward and nervous so it's nice that someone can sort of help me out there.

     "Well I started when I was 3 so that's about 12-actually almost 13 years. Wow, I never realized that," I giggled a bit and so does she. "Well what are you doing up here?" I ask her.

     "Just exploring a bit. Making sure I know where my classes are. Hey, would ya wanna join me and we can get to know each other more?" She asked me enthusiastically.

     "Ummm, You know what....sure! Today I planned to do absolutely nothing but I'd actually be delighted to join you!" I responded happy to be making a new friend who seems really nice.

     "Aww yay! Now, since you do know this castle better than I do, where should we go first?" She asked me.

     "Hmmmm. That is tough, maybe.....ooh! I have to take you to my favorite spot to read and have picnics!" I yell excitedly.

     "Lead the way!" She gestured for me to walk in front of her and I started to stroll to one of my favorite spots with Fleur not far behind me. 

A/N:Sorry about this literally just being about dance lol. I didn't mean to do that. I just started writing and that's what came out. Also I promise this isn't random and it will be a topic in the future, just bear with me here. Thanks anyway and I'm sorry if this is not what you were looking for.


French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now