Fleur's POV:

I sat in the Ravenclaw common room next to y/n on a loveseat. Which, might I add, is quite fitting to this little thing we have going. Not that it's real or anything but it's kinda ironic. "I'm getting hungry, you guys ready to go to the great hall?" Luna asked y/n and I.

"Um about that," y/n started, "I was meaning to ask if you wanted to go to the kitchens for dinner as well as dessert?" She question unsure if it were ok.

"I'd love that! Well as long as it's alright with you Luna."

"oh of course, don't worry about me. I've been meaning to work my astronomy project soon anyway."

"Great!" I then turned my attention to y/n, "You ready now?" I asked her.

"Sure," she said then got up and slid her shoes back on, "Bye Luna."

"Bye you two," she replied once I had gotten up as well.

    "Tilly!" Y/n yelled into the kitchen when the small house elf scattered towards us with a smile on her face.

    "Hello y/n! And...fleur." She said taking a minute to make sure she had my name right, "what would you like?"

    "Do you have anything that didn't get served at the feast?" Y/n questioned.

    "Hmm. Most things have already been served but we still have some pasta. Do you think that would work?"

    "Sounds yummy!" I said excited to satisfy my hunger.

    "Perfect!" Said Tilly as she ran to get our pasta.

    "So, care to sit?" Y/n said gesturing to a few short stools in the corner.

    "Why thank you," I said as I sat on the house elf-size stool. Y/n then sat across from me and set a stool in between us as a table which was quickly served by Tilly. "So, what were you saying about tutoring Diggory?"

    "Oh, right," she said with a slight blush, "So he apparently isn't good at Transfiguration, his words not mine, and asked me if I could help him out."

    "Ooooo. Good, good. When are you thinking you'll do it?"

    "Well I got his schedule from Professor Mcgonagall-"

    "Hold on. What? You can do that?"

    "It's for educational purposes. Is it creepy?"

    "Well. I guess it's not with that context but it does sound a little......weird?" I said to her.

    "Oh what if he thinks I'm a stalker or something. Ugh and he probably doesn't actually like me he just needs help why am I looking so much into this," she started mumbling.

    "Hey,hey," I grabbed her hand, " He's not going to think you're a stalker. You're just very efficient and I'm not used to it so it's weird for me but it was a good idea. Also who cares if he doesn't like you in a romantic way. At least he doesn't hate you right?" I told her receiving a little chuckle and nod from her in return. "So when were you thinking?"

    She sighed, "Well probably after school on Mondays because we have transfigurations together last block so we can head straight to the library to work."

    "Sounds good."

    "And then on Thursdays we both have a free period during lunch-b so that would wor-"

    "Wait, that's one of the only free periods I have with you," I said a little sad.

    "Oh, really?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now