4~It's Starting

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 Y/n's pov:

     We casually strolled into the Great hall and took our seats at the Ravenclaw table. "Hello Y/n," Luna greeted, "And who's this again?"

     "I'm Fleur Delacour," she stuck her hand out for Luna to shake and said, "And it's nice to formally meet you."

     "Well hello then," Luna smiled, "How did you two get acquainted?"

     "Well we sort of just clicked I guess," Fleur said rather loudly, "And she is just adorable isn't she?" Luna eyed me with a mischievous smirk on her face.

     "Yes, quite," Luna said and I decided to break our eye contact. I don't really like hiding this from her I think I'll tell her about it later if FLeur doesn't mind. It doesn't feel right to hide things from the one person who knows almost everything about me.

     "Anyways," Fleur said as she put a hand on my thigh, "Could I get you anything? Chicken? Pie? Or anything else?"

     "Um, I'd like some pie I guess," I told her, not used to romantic affection of any sort.

     "Coming right up!" she plopped a big slice of blueberry pie on my plate then lowered her voice so that only I could hear, "Look, it's already working." I start to scan around the room and noticed the majority of Ravenclaw staring at us along with multiple students from other houses.....but not Cedric. I know it's childish to still wish he would look my way but everything about him puts a smile on my face. He's so kind to everyone around him and won't hesitate to help someone out with anything (even if he may not be so great at what he's helping out with). He also always puts in his best effort as he's always so concentrated in class. Not to mention it's the cutest thing when his brows furrow from confusion because of class work.

     "Y/n?" Fleur snaps me back to reality, "Are you ok? You sort of zoned out there."

     "Oh, sorry."

     "Why?" she questioned with a smile.

     "I got zoned out and it was rude of me so I apologized," I said avoiding eye contact. Suddenly I feel her grab my chin in between her thumb and pointer finger to allow our eyes to meet.

     "It was not rude, I just want to make sure you're ok," I smiled at her answer, "Plus, I enjoy our chats and I'd rather you say whatever you're thinking out loud." Then she smiled, her fingers still on my chin. 

     I look around and whisper, "You're right, they're already so invested in this little situationship we have going on," she giggled and nodded.

     "Now eat your pie!" she ordered while scooping up a piece of it. "May I?" she asks holding it up to me.

     "Why yes please," she fed me a mouthful of blueberry pie and the Ravenclaw table broke into an ocean of murmurs and kids had their jaws wide open in confusion and shock. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh due to my surprise that our plan is already so effective.

     "What's happening?!" said the same  Hufflepuff boy who made fun of me on the train.

     "I mean, I always thought she was kinda hot," his friend replied and my eyes went wide and I tried to hide a laugh, "Y'know, all mysterious and shit."

     "Not gonna lie, me too," he said and now I'm just confused.

     'They like me?!' I mouthed to Fleur.

    'I knew it!' she mouthed back.

     "Hey, Diggory," the boy said to the one and only Cedric Diggory and my body tensed a bit.

French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now