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*TW*: slight mention of d3Ath thr3At. This is a very minor part in the story and I think this TW isn't even necessary but I want to make sure everyone feels safe here. (don't worry fleur isn't a murderer lol)

  Y/n's pov:

   "I thought we were going to your favorite spot outside," Fleur said to me.

     "We will, but we can't have a picnic without snacks," I told her as I came to the ticklish pear. "Tickle it," I sad plainly.

     "Pardon?" She said to me properly.

     "Tickle it," I repeated.

     "Um, ok," she hesitated to tickle the pear and then the door to the kitchens opened. She stood there for a moment not in shock of the magic, but in confusion of entering a kitchen with the key being tickling a pear. I walked in and she followed me when I was greeted by a house elf named Tilly.

     "Hello Y/n, what would you like?" Tilly asked nicely.

     "Do you have Butterbeer cupcakes? Oh and some tea please," I ask eagerly and the house elf nods. I then turn my attention to Fleur, "Anything specific you want?"

     "Well...." she paused to think, "You think they've got petit fours?" She wondered and Tilly answered for me.

     "Yes actually! Madame Maxime wanted some earlier and we've got plenty left!" exclaimed Tilly.

     "That's marvelous! Thank you so much Tilly," I thanked my friend. She nodded and scurried to the large fridge to find our treats.

     "I take it you come here often? Seeing as you seem very comfortable with the house elf," Fleur asked.

     "Yes, I do. Mostly for late night tea to finish my mounds of homework, but whenever I can find the time to have a picnic (which isn't often) I come here for some treats." Tilly then brings out our sweets and tea in a little basket and we exit the kitchens.

     "Do you get alot of homework here?" Fleur asked me.

     "Well not too much, I just take too many classes," I chuckled.

     "What classes do you take?"

     "Let's see," I say to myself out loud, "Herbology, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Charms, Transfiguration, A History of Magic, and Divination," I listed.

     "Holy shit. Is that a Hogwarts thing or a you thing?"

     "Honey, it's a Ravenclaw thing," I joked and she giggled.

     "They do seem to care about their academics," She said.

     "Well that's what it may seem and it's true some do, but others, well they can be quite the little tricksters."

     "what do you mean?" She asked me curiously.

     "Well Ravenclaws are known to be smart and only care about school and so boring and all that shit. But I think we're some of the most mischievous ones."

     "Oh really?" She challenged.

     "Yeah. We're all really smart right?"

     "Yeah I guess,"

     "So we just don't get caught," I put it simply, "Some of us thrive on the thrill of it all and we indulge in outsmarting our victims. But nobody ever knows it's us, and us Ravenclaws know better than to rat out our family because if you become their enemy, you know they'll do something nasty to you. You never know when and you never know how, but you know they'll take their time to hit you where it hurts." Fleur had a small smirk on her face and I was glad to have made a new friend and have a fresh start.

French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now