5~Fist Day of Classes

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A/N: Hey! I'm so so so sorry for saying I'd update but then I didn't. The one time when I felt motivation to do this I got sick and was sleeping all day. But I'm feeling better and I'll try to be better about updating! Thanks for sticking around!

Y/n's POV:

I woke up at 6:00 AM, sat up, and grabbed the glass of water on my bedside table. I took a big gulp leaving me feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. I peaked past the curtain to the window to witness the heavenly sunrise on the hogwarts grounds. I then put the curtain back and set down my glass of water gently in a successful attempt to not wake Luna. In the morning I like to ready my mind and my body before I go to classes or do anything else really. I pick up the book beside me and read one chapter to get my mind turning it's little gears. Once I've finished the chapter I stretch a little bit to get my body going and after I always feel more energized than before. I then head to the bathroom to have a lovely morning shower. The lukewarm water poured down on me and it's as if I had absorbed it's lovely energy. I got out and did my skincare, by this time Luna had woken up.

"Why are you awake? Don't you have a free period?" She asked me.

"Yes, but I really wanted to read later at breakfast as well. And besides, I'm an early bird," She simply nodded because she does know that I'm always up early. Once I had finished in the bathroom I left Luna to take a shower.

I got dressed in my grey skirt, white button up, and my Ravenclaw crew-neck sweater with a tie hidden beneath it. Then I went to the full body mirror, that Luna and I share, to do my makeup. Just some concealer, blush, a little bit of eyeshadow (to give some dimension), and a bit of hydrating lipgloss. Then I put on my white ruffly socks and slide into my Mary Jane shoes with a little heart buckle.

 Then I put on my white ruffly socks and slide into my Mary Jane shoes with a little heart buckle

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Y/n's shoes and socks

Luna and I head to the Great Hall and she leaves for Care of Magical Creatures while I find a seat. There aren't too many people here at this time, definitely more than there on the weekends but that's as expected. I pull out my book, pour myself some tea, and grab a cinnamon muffin. I read silently, enjoying the casual, quiet chatters of others around the Hall. Then about an hour later, I feel a set of hands squeeze my sides and I yelp from being tickled. "Fleur!" I scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. I just thought it was the perfect moment," I rolled my eyes but she knew not to take it seriously, "Ok but why are you already down here, don't you have a free period."

"Yes I do," I said.

"Then don't you wanna sleep in?" She asked.

"Well I enjoy the sunrise," I said, "And I really wanted to read this morning before I have too much work to read for pleasure," I added.

"Fair point," She said, "Now to the important part, what classes do you have with Mr. Diggory today?" She said playfully.

"Shhh," I put a finger over her mouth then quickly took it away. I sigh before speaking, "Well I have Potions after I have charms with you and Luna. But Luna will be there so I don't have to talk with him-"

French Girls ~ Cedric Diggory x Y/n x Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now