Chapter 38: Trap (2)

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Without another option, we turned around and walked down the path of the subway in silence.

Beside me, Jung Youngho yawned in boredom. He looked unconcerned with whatever was happening, and more laid-back than usual.

"Why are you so relaxed?" I couldn't help but ask, unable to reconcile the temper-flaring Jung Youngho to the one walking beside me now.

"Whatever will be, will be. You're the boss for now anyway." Jung Youngho gave a whimsical reply and returned to picking his ear, resembling a lazy lion.

It didn't seem like I would be getting any other response out of him.

But by any chance, was he annoyed to be ordered around? I mean, he didn't seem to like it when I had done so in the past. Was his response now some sort of new coping mechanism?

Although I wasn't used to the current Jung Youngho who wasn't shouting, or complaining, I couldn't figure out what had changed about him, so I decided to drop my speculation.

Up ahead, very suspicious people appeared in my vision.

And when I mean suspicious, I meant really shady.

It was a group of four men and one girl.

However, they were sporting numbers on their body like it was some sort of Bl**ch show, and coupled with their outfits and overall aura, I was questioning what they were doing near Chungmuro station.

I tensed and put up my guard, but in this area of the subway, there weren't any hiding spots.

Just as I was about to ask Jung Youngho to pull out his cloak of invisibility, the group had noticed us.

"Who are you guys?" The woman with the number '2' on her cheek asked me disdainfully. The flute in her hand caught my attention.

I had a feeling it was some sort of item, but I couldn't match it up with any of the ones in my memory at the moment.

"There's no need to ask, 2. Let's get rid of them." A raspy voice came from the person wrapped in a cloak with the number '4' sewn on it.

At this, I narrowed my eyes.

"How about we kill the dude and take the girl?" A middle-aged man sporting a pot-belly boisterously laughed, the number '7' displaying on his shoulder.

Before action could be taken, the central figure among them spoke.

"2, 4, 7, quiet down. They're someone I asked for."

I could instantly tell that the person in the dark cloak and didn't have any visible numbers was the leader of the group.

So they must be...

"You're here to fulfill your side of the deal." It was a certain statement. The dark cloaked figure nodded toward me, though their face was covered by some sort of power from the cloak.

I knew it.

"Sure." I answered.

"Well, come over then." They waved their hands in a beckoning gesture.

Jung Youngho gave an annoyed expression at this provocation, but didn't say anything.

As we approached, one of them couldn't resist opening their mouths.

"Huh? So this is the rumored Tyrant King? He doesn't look like anything special to me." The man with the number '7' on his shoulder scanned Jung Youngho up and down.

"It's not 'Tyrant King'." Jung Youngho crossed his arms and gave the man an assessing gaze as well.

"Oh? Then what?" Number '7' challenged arrogantly.

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