Chapter 9 - We're lost in the woods somewhere in Scotland

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The arrival at Hogwarts was blissfully uneventful. Once all the other passengers had disembarked, the gods snuck with their bags over to the corner of the forest, where Minerva was waiting with a carriage prepared.

'I trust your travel was pleasant, your Majesties?' She asked, getting a grimace out of all of them.

'Please, don't bother with titles. They're a tradition inherited from our parents, and they just make us uncomfortable,' Annabeth responded, accepting a hand up into the carriage as a coachman swept our bags into a back compartment. 'And yes, our travel was very pleasant. Thank you again, for reserving our cabin ahead of time.'

'It was the least I could do. It wouldn't have been right for you to have been saddled with the task of dealing with all those teenagers after such a journey.'

'Even so, the gesture was kind. Also, we shadow-travelled, so it wasn't as bad as it may have been. Honestly, we used most of the time to get in some much-needed sleep.'

'Good.' Minerva replied, shutting the door after Jason, who'd brought up the rear, had swung himself into the velvet cushioned seat next to Piper. 'I'm glad you're all refreshed, as I was hoping we could discuss some things in person during the journey up to the castle. Due to the time of night, there won't be a whole lot to see in the forest, or at all until Hogwarts is in view, so you won't be missing anything.'

'I don't have an issue with it,' Piper said softly, 'I know there's a lot to discuss, and it's probably best to get it out of the way sooner rather than later. As long as everyone else agrees?' The rest all nodded, comfortable in her reasoning, and happy to let her carry the conversation.

'Excellent. Firstly, we need to discuss the issue of sorting you all. As you know, there were four founders of Hogwarts, and each of these formed their own house in the school, for the sake of sporting events and other such competitions as well as a way of arranging classes and sleeping arrangements. Is it important to you all that you live together?'

The two couples looked at each other anxiously, while Lou Ellen sighed.

'I'm fine anywhere,' she said, pushing her hair back with one hand. 'It would be nice to get some distance from the lovebirds if anything. I've only had to be in close proximity with them for a few hours now, and I'm already sick to my stomach.' Her words were harsh, but her soft smile showed that her words were, at least partially, in jest.

'I'd.. prefer to be with Percy.' Annabeth began, hesitant. 'We've been through a lot together, and I, uh, struggle to sleep when he's not around.'

'Same here,' Jason agreed with a nod. 'I don't mind which house you put us in, but it's for the best that you don't split us up.'

The headmistress nodded.

'Ok. We'll take that into account when placing you. I'd prefer that you all have a turn with the sorting hat anyway, to find out where your personalities lie –'

'Sorry,' Percy interjected with a barely controlled giggle, 'sorting hat? Are there sorting earmuffs and sorting socks as well?' Jason and Piper also looked amused, but McGonagall's face was stony.

'An enchanted object that's been with us since the school was founded. It gained sentience at some point in the eighteenth century and has been helping us to sort students ever since. It also demands a fair bit of respect, so I wouldn't laugh at it when you see it in person, Mr Jackson.'

Percy tried, and failed, to look serious.

'Right. Of course. A magical thinking cap, literally. I don't suppose it can talk, too?'

'Yes, actually.'

Percy blinked, and Annabeth decided that it was appropriate to interrupt before her boyfriend dug himself into a hole that he wouldn't be able to get out of.

'Is there anything else you want to discuss with us before we reach the castle?'

'Yes, actually. I wanted to impress on you the severity of the issue we are currently facing. While you have been fighting for the world's safety in the States and mainland Europe, we've had our own demons to deal with here in the UK. The last twenty years, and particularly the last six, have been an incredibly stressful time for the wizarding world, and our sixth formers have borne the brunt of it. It's the reason they're coming back for an extra year of study – their schooling has been so interrupted by the tyrant that was Lord- Lord Voldemort-' Percy snickered, and Annabeth elbowed him, 'that we felt it was unfair to throw them into the world without a bit of extra coaching. They haven't had a good DADA teacher, at least one who lasted the year, in their entire education, for one thing, and their entire finals year was a mess, so we're having them resit their exams in May... By the way, I don't suppose you've heard of Harry Potter at all?'

They shook their heads.

'Wow. I apologise, it's just strange to meet someone who doesn't know his name in this day and age. Harry Potter- he is a bit of a celebrity in our world. He defeated Lord Voldemort for the first time as a babe, then repeatedly fought against him throughout his secondary education, finally killing him less than a year ago. He, and his friends Ronald and Hermione, are maybe the only people I would say you can truly trust. Make friends with them if you can, but don't get them overly involved in your detective work. Merlin only knows they've had enough of that in their lives, and I'm pretty sure Hermione would cry if you disturbed her in her last chance for learning.'

'Hermione sounds like my kind of girl,' Annabeth grinned.

'You remind me of her a little bit, actually. I'm sure the pair of you will get on like a house on fire. I'm only hoping that everyone else can do the same.'

Annabeth smiled. She was about to say something else, but Lou Ellen's gasp distracted her before she could.

'The castle,' Lou Ellen breathed, face smushed up against the carriage window for the best possible view. On hearing the exclamation, the other gods crowded to her side of the carriage, eager to get a glimpse.

It was stunning. Majestic. Incredible. Quite honestly, it took everything in Annabeth not to start babbling about the Medieval Gothic style of the castle, the touches of Gothic Revival in the towers, the slight hints of Norman Romanesque showing in the shapes of the windows and doors.

The structure was backlit in hues of saffron and scarlet from the setting sun, making it look like it was glowing in the late evening light. Birds – no, something bigger- dragons swept overhead in twos and threes, every shade of emerald and indigo, scales shimmering with each supple flick of the tail. Some windows were lit yellow from within, the flickering lights that of candles, while others were dark and uninhabited. A line of carriages, just up ahead, were releasing packs of teenagers onto the front steps and they swarmed, tripping and giggling, through the mammoth front doors.

As they were gawping, Annabeth heard  McGonagall speak up, unconcealed pride in her voice;

'Welcome to Hogwarts, your Majesties. Shall we go inside?'

OK. *rubs hands together like an evil supervillain* Now the plot really gets going.

 *rubs hands together like an evil supervillain* Now the plot really gets going

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