Chapter 1 - Burrow like for a rabbit?

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The Weasley's house was abuzz with chatter, full to the brim with witches and wizards. Grieving had been put aside for the evening in order to sit down together for Sunday roast dinner and celebrate the end of the war as a family.

'A toast!' Mr Weasley called, heavily drunk despite it being just past noon. 'A toast to the boy who risked his life for the wizarding world but-' he hiccupped, ' but lived. To Harry!'

'To Harry!' The rest of the table echoed, clinking glasses obligingly.

'Speech!' Ron yelled, more than a little tipsy himself.

This was followed up with drunken agreements, and eventually, Harry stood, wobbling slightly.

'Thank you, everyone. I couldn't have done this without the help of so many of you, and-' He was cut off by four ebony owls swooping in through the kitchen window, each dropping a cream envelope in the potatoes before flying out the window again.

'Are those...  Hogwarts letters?' Ginny asked, in a much clearer voice than the boys.  She and Hermione, for reasons best known to themselves, had remained sober.

'Yep.' Hermione replied, gently extracting the letter bearing her name from the pile. She used her butter knife to slit the wax seal and pulled out the contents. Three sheets of paper fell out. Hermione picked up the one on top and began reading.

'Dear Ms Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry for our temporary sixth form in order to catch up on any work missed in the previous years due to external interruptions. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 5th September. We await your owl by no later than the 1st September.

Yours sincerely,

Filius Flitwick, deputy headmaster.'

She finished the last words slowly, staring up at everyone once she was done, shock plastered across her features.

'September 1st... that's  less than a week away.' Ginny said into the silence.

'Ok.' Mrs Weasley said, sitting up a little straighter. 'Well, kids, I think you might be heading back to Hogwarts for another year. Better get packing.'


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