Chapter 2 - What do you mean its in Scotland?

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I sat with Ginny quietly, waiting for the boys to get back in their Hogwarts robes. The train rumbled softly under my seat, setting a steady beat to the journey. Ginny was staring out of the huge window, her chin resting on her hand.

'What do you think this year is gonna be like?' I asked her. She turned to me, frowning.

'How do you mean?'  

'Well... it's definitely not going to be like last year. Or the year before, or the year before that.' I said, slowly. 'I know the school's been fixed. And the professors are all ready to start. But things aren't gonna go back to how they were, even before He-who-must-not-be-named. There's no syllabus for my entire year, for one thing. And a lot of witches and wizards are still grieving. How is Hogwarts going to deal with such a massive upheaval of everything?'

'I have no idea, honestly. All we can really do is hope that everything sorts itself out. There's no point in worrying about things we can't control, and after everything we went through for the past seven years, we deserve to sit back and let someone else handle all the issues.' I said, leaning forward to rest my hand on her knee. 'Trust me, Ginny. This year is going to be great, and if it isn't, well, that's not our issue, is it?'

'Thanks, Hermione.' She smiled at me. 'You always know what to say.'

I was about to add something else when the compartment door slid open and Harry and Ron shuffled in to take their seats, both dressed in full Hogwarts finery.

'Your turn, girls.' Harry announced as he took his seat. I nodded, quickly kissing Ron on the cheek before rising, and holding the door open for Ginny as we left to change.


I relaxed in my seat as the girls left, propping my legs up on the bench opposite as soon as Hermione was out of sight. The train window looked out on rolling fields and beautiful, wild landscapes, and I found my eyes drifting slowly  shut

'This is going to be really weird.' Harry blurted out suddenly, and my eyelids flew open. I trained my gaze on him, the haze of sleepiness making me grumpy. I shoved it down though, forcing my voice to a pleasant tone as I asked;

'How do you mean, mate? There are a bazillion different things that are going to be weird or strange; you're gonna have to elaborate.'

'That's kind of what I mean. So much stuff is different. I dunno, I just... Will it even feel like Hogwarts anymore?'

'No. It'll never be the same. But I think we kind of have to accept that? Of course Hogwarts is going to be different, it would be strange if it wasn't. Just go with it. No matter what happens, its still Hogwarts.'

He nodded, some of the tension easing out of his face. I let out a final sleepy smile, my job done, and slipped away into oblivion.

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