Chapter 11 - Percy vs Perfect Prefects

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It wasn't long before a rhythmic knock sounded from the huge oak door and McGonagall got up to let four strangers file into the room. The gods quickly altered their facial features – nothing major, only a slight shortening of the forehead here, a lengthening of the nose there – just enough to make them unrecognizable from the images shown in the media. Then they turned to the four teenagers standing before them; prefects, McGonagall had said.

They certainly looked the part, robes straight and ties neat, standing tall with hands held behind their backs. Their pride in their positions and their school was almost tangible in the air, and Annabeth felt herself relax. Whatever dreadful things had happened in prior years, it obviously hadn't been bad enough to taint the students' opinion of the school, and that was reassuring to her.

'Prefects, these are transfer students from a wizarding school over in the States, who'll be joining this year's sixth form. They're here to learn our magical methods and hopefully share a few of their own. Please treat them as your own, and make sure to give them a good Hogwarts welcome.' The prefects nodded, customer service smiles on full show. 'Jason will be joining Gryffindor with you, Hermione, and Piper will be coming to stay in Gryffindor tower too, though she'll be with the Slytherins during the day.' A frown creased the brow of the pretty brunette on the right – Hermione, Percy deduced. She didn't say anything though, acknowledging McGonagall's words with a quick bow of the head. 'Percy and Annabeth are similar – though Annabeth is in Ravenclaw, she'll be staying with Percy in the Hufflepuff dorms overnight. Finally, Lou Ellen will be going with Amber to Slytherin. Please escort them to their dorms while I take the hat downstairs to sort the new first years.' And with that, she left, striding out of the door with the hat in one hand and a scroll in the other.

Amber, a honey-blonde with a friendlier smile than the rest and striking blue eyes, stepped forward towards Lou Ellen.

'Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Amber, one of four prefects in Slytherin, and your buddy for the next few weeks. I'll be supporting you until you've settled in, so don't hesitate to come to me with any questions or worries. Have you got any now, or are you ready to see the dorms?' Lou Ellen pondered the question for a moment before shaking her head. 'Great. In that case, follow me.' Lou Ellen stood and the pair left.

The speed of their exit seemed to kick the other three prefects into action, those in blue and yellow ties sidling over to Percy and Annabeth while Hermione made a 'come hither' gesture at Jason and Piper. She didn't say anything, just began striding out of the room as the pair scrambled to follow.

On entry, McGonagall hadn't given the gods much of a chance to look around due to the lack of time afforded to them in the frantic start-of-year arrangements. So Piper and Jason were glad for the chance to see more of the castle as Hermione led them both up the many moving staircases to the Gryffindor common room. Moving pictures seemed to be a theme, as they drank and scowled and yelled from every wall. Luckily, the other students were all in the hall, watching the sorting proceedings. This meant it was decently quiet in the main building, allowing Jason and Piper to examine the arched rooves and richly dyed tapestries for as long as Hermione's patience would allow.

'So... do you enjoy it here? At Hogwarts, I mean?' Piper asked as the three made their way down yet another stone corridor. The attempt at conversation was admittedly weak, but the silence had been getting icier by the minute, and for Zeus's sake of anyone could win over a frosty witch it was her.

The question caused a brief flash of emotions over Hermione's face. Shock, appreciation, nostalgia, love, the tiniest hint of pain.. before she schooled herself back into strict professionalism.

'Of course. Hogwarts is a fine establishment, with a wide range of both magical and muggle classes, that provides a safe and comfortable learning environment for young witches and wizards-'

'As much as I appreciate the sales pitch,' Piper interrupted gently, very aware of the wall Hermione was trying to build, 'I asked what you thought of the school. Not what it offers to prospective students. What is Hogwarts to you?'

'A home.' Hermione answered almost automatically, a softness curving her features. 'A place that has always made me feel cared for, and supported. Even with the issues over the last few years, it means a lot to me.' She seemed to come to herself as she finished her sentence, scowling as if to make up for the brief moment of true feeling she'd allowed past her inner barriers.

'But I'm sure you will see Hogwarts' charms for yourself, in the morning.' She added as they reached a large painting of a lady in a mint-green ballgown who seemed to be watching them closely, suspicion in her beady eyes. 'For now, we could all do with some sleep. Lapis Lazuli.'

Jason blinked, having followed the conversation up to that point, but struggling with the final statement. He was about to ask the girl what she meant, when the painting swung forward to reveal a warm, well-lit living space.

'Welcome to Gryffindor.' Hermione announced proudly, lifting her robes and sweeping inside.

By now, the majesty and extravagance of Hogwarts was somewhat familiar, so the entrance was not, perhaps as incredible as Hermione seemed to have been expecting. Even so, the cozy red armchairs and gold sofas seemed to beckon to Piper, thread sparkling in the firelight. The fire itself was grand, framed by a marble fireplace and crackling merrily behind the iron grate. A few tables and chairs were set up along the back of the room, most likely to be used for studying or homework, but currently laden with marshmallows, custard creams and great jugs of hot chocolate. Piper was tempted to steal a biscuit (or ten) but Hermione didn't allow them the time, rather leading the over to one of the two staircases leading off from either side of the room.

'The dorms are strictly one-gender-only.' Hermione announced. 'So, Jason, was it? You'll have to wait for a male prefect to take you up to the boys dorms. Piper, you can come with me.'

'Actually.' Piper grasped Hermione's arm gently to stop her from vanishing up the spiral staircase. 'We were told we'd be able to dorm together? Just the two of us?'

Annabeth was about to protest when Jason let out a shocked yell. The stone wall next to the girls' staircase seemed to be caving in on itself, an oak door growing in its place. The door swung open of its own accord to reveal a small, but plushly furnished room, complete with a double bed.

Hermione sighed.

'The castle seems to have spoken. Fine, make yourselves comfortable. If either of you needs anything, Piper can find me on the second floor, third door down.'

And the prefect left, abandoning the pair to acclimatize to their new surroundings.

And the prefect left, abandoning the pair to acclimatize to their new surroundings

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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