part 4

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He went to lay in bed with a million thoughts running threw his head

he'd head to the pet shop to get a pet for school

Then the next day he'd head to the train station at 10 with chip and pop cuz he's not supposed to be able to apperate


And he did just that the next day Harry laid in bed reading till three pm then he took the floo the his place in diagon ally then left to the pet shops

To all the people around him he looked like a boyneko with a plan and he was just that he stocked down to the Pat shop not looking in any other window and went threw the front door

He new the the list said 'cat owl or toad' but if Ron could have a rat and a bat could be the potions professor then he could get qwhat ever he wanted

He had already got the needed stuff on his list besides this so he stood in the door and then walked to the back where he new the reptiles would be

He listened to them for about five minutes while he stood in the middle of the area before he picked a snake that reminded him of the man that made it possible to get this far professor Snape

The snake was almost all black while it's belly was white it lay stiff with it's black eyes fallowing the man

It hissed snide remarks ~what afraid of me little human~

But Harry payed no mind the that as he walked to the glass tank and sat in front of it he read it's needs and wrote them down

It the end of the paper it said

"no name
age 2 weeks
Black kingsnake
mixed with

The second snake is probably why the black snakes head was spiked and ment the snake probably had fangs bc black kings were smooth and had no fangs

Harry nodded at that and went to get an employee

"Hey I'd like to buy the black kingsnake in the back" he said to the man at the front he then called for a man named Joe

The man came around the corner and the desk man explained to him what he wanted and then they went to the back with a small cage

"Do you want to pull it out or do you want me to" the man asked Harry

Harry looked at the cage "I'll do it if I get bit it's my fault" Harry said as he pulled a potion out of his pockets in corked it "it's a anti-venom potion" he explained before putting it between his teeth so he could swallow it if he was bit

He lifted the lid to the cage and slide it over ~what scared to be bit little human~ the snake hissed Harry only hummed around the bottle

He stuck a hand in the tank slowly he watched as the snake sniffed him with his tongue and slowly get closer ~I'd bite you but I kinda want to get out of here and you smell good and like you live alone~ the snake hissed

Harry slowly turned his hand over in offering and the snake went into it and wrapped around his wrist. Harry polled his arm out recorking the vial and grabbed the small glass tank the man was holding. he then went and got some live pinky mice put them in the small cage and a small den like rock

"I'll get the rest of the necessities on the way home" he said to himself as he went to the front and payed for his snake and there things he walked out the door

Went around a corner into the dark apperated home sat the tank on top of the table and enlarged it he sat everything else around it

Except for the snake who was still around his wrist about 8in (20 1/2 cm) long

He then called "chip, dip" hearing a pop seconds later both house elves were in front of him

Asking them to pick up some small damp trees from a rain forest and some dirt from Mexico

Do to the snake being a mix of to entirely different breeds he didn't no what type of habitat it would need

He enlarged the cage/tank and made it so it was about 5ft by 5ft (167m -1.67m) and hit the sealing witch was about 7ft(2.33m) high

And then organized it in to a corner after putting the trees and dirt in the cage being carful of the mice he made it so it was in chanted to rain for at least 30 min every few days 

He then attached a small tube to the cage and then added a small wire cage with a plastic bottom asked the elves to get some shredded papers and added a few more tubes them made it so the attachment tube would only open twice a week and let one mouse out

Then he added a door to the glass cage so he could take his snake in and out

Once done he finally hissed ~its not small but it's also not big I hope you like it little guy~

The snake jumped in shock and nearly fell if it wasn't for Harry's quick reflexes ~yo-your a speaker~

Harry merely nodded at the visibly shocked snake after a few minutes the snake seemed to come down from his shock ~then why didn't you say anything in the shop~

Harry looked at the snake for a bit deciding how to word what he was going to say ~one I couldn't take the chance of someone finding out two because I wanted to know how all the snakes true personalities were before I picked one~

The snake took a minute to take the information in ~wait you mean to tell me that you were listening to are conversations to figure out which of use to pick and you happen to pick one of the few threatening you~

Harry simply said ~yes~

And now the snake shocked said ~why~

Harry simply laughed a bit and said ~you reminded me of a good friend I may never see again I thought it would be good for me to have your snarky attitude around~

~really~ the snake said with glee

~yes witch is why your name will be his first and one of his middle name 'Severus Salazar'~ harry said simply

~like the Slytherin guy he was named after the house~ the snake asked shocked

~yes now let me sleep salv it's late~
(Salv was on purpose it's a mix of sev & sal as there nicknames)

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