Chapter 1 - Things Change!

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~ Normal pov ~


The city of New York is quiet. Everybody worrying about their own stuff. A few car horns are heard from the streets and the wind blows through the buildings.


Underneath all that commotion, in the sewers to be precise. A voice is heard.

???: Remember, to be a true ninja...

The voice belongs to a rat, but not just a rat but a dark gray mutant rat in monk's robes; whilst holding his wooden stick in front of him.

???: You must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives the ninja power, while light reveals the ninjas presence.

The room was completely pitch black; making all lights in the area except for the lit candle just balancing on the end of the wooden stick.

???: Now, can you extinguish this flame without revealing yourself?

The rat master closes his eyes, concealing the remaining light from his focus. But, only opening his eyes in a flash before closing them again, he flips the candle in the air before catching it his grasp. His eyes remain shut; only to rely on his ears to hear his opponents coming. Another skill that a true ninja must master. He then stands his staff on his side as well.

His first opponent tries to grab it at a running speed without too much noise. But failed to do so as the rat drops his hand; holding the candle. This cost the attacker missed the Target and slams into the wall, causing him to drop his bo-staff. The impact that he created was enough force to form a sore bruise on his head. But that was the only first attack. There's still a few more of his students left.

???: Too noisy, Donatello.

The rat said with his eye slightly open; looking over to his right. Another one is coming this way.

The second attacker swinging his nunkuchus in his right hand, leaps in the air and lands carefully near the target. He was hoping that his master and his father would not spot. But he was wrong. Using his speed, he tries his best to hit the candle out of the rat's grass but he failed to notice when the rat stands up...and flips the second attacker over. With a small stick. Pretty strong for a small rat. This cost the second attacker to slide and crash into his brother; earning more bruises on the first attacker.

He may be fastest ninja around, but his master is too quick for him. But this lesson is not over yet.

The rat master sits down once again.

???: Too clumsy, Michelangelo.

The rat master pointed out, while still holding on to the candle. With two of his attackers down and not completely out, the rat was just getting warmed up. The third attacker was already made his move. With two sais in his hands, he decided to sneak behind him and hopefully, catches him off guard. Taking a few steps more before he leaves forward with a grunt, hopefully to stab the candle, but the elder once again ducks just in time. The fighter manages to land on his feet while at the same time not to fall flat on his face and does a little jump before facing his teacher; getting a hold of his weapons before resuming his attack.

With a firm grip on the candle, the rat master raised an eyebrow as he walks to another position of the lair. He knows that this student like to play it rough and he knows that he is pretty impatient to get his hands on the candle. Guess he'll have to keep a close-eye on this one.

Twirling his weapons, the figure comes charging in. Unfortunately, he doesn't have time to react to when the rat, closing his eyes yet again cause swiftly sits down on his knees and places his stick in the figure's way, causing him to trip over and slams into the other two fighters. All groaning in agony with a few grunts, the three warriors try to untangle themselves again. With three of his students and sons defeated, the rat teacher stands up with the candle still in his hand; still lit.

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