Chapter 4 - Meet Casey Jones and Iris Croft!

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~ Normal pov ~


Down in the lair, Raph was in a tussle with his little brother. And right now, he was not winning. He was thrown across the room and smashed into a pile of empty boxes that are stacked against each other. Some fell on top of him when he made the impact.

The youngest brother of the family was dusting his hands off as he approaches his fallen brother.

Mikey Ha! Nice fall, Raphael.

Mikey mocks him. He brought his hands out to the side.

Mikey: Just come on back if you want some more of that.

He should know by now, there's absolutely no way that Raph can't beat his little brother in this certain match. But he doesn't care. He just wants to win. For once. If he loses call he'll never be able to live with himself. Then again, Raph was the one who asked for the fight in the first place. Big mistake.

The red urtle himself regains his senses and gets up from his messy pile, leaving a lone box on his head. Fuming as ever, he literally lets out a few grunts as he grabs the box off his head and throws the box away. He points to his cocky brother.

Raph: You've had it, Mikey!

Raph charges at Mikey.

Raph: Bro or no, you've got to go!

Raph leaps and throws a punch at Mikey and Mikey dodges a punch from his brother.

Mikey: Hm, good reverse punch.

Mikey ducks, dodges two kicks and he dodge again.

Mikey: Nice roundhouse kick too, Raph.

Mikey dodges a punch before flipping over Raph when he lunged at him.

Mikey: Whoa, not a bad dragon punch either but you're just a little...

Mikey dodges again.

Mikey: Too SLOW!

Mikey slaps Raph in the back.

Splinter, Leo and Blake arrived to see the spar.

Mikey: Actually, much too slow.

Raph charges and lands a punch on Mikey, sending him flying into the wall. Splinter, Leo and Blake watch as Raph charges at Mikey until he gets close enough to throw a punch at him. However, Mikey manages to dodge each of his attacks. Making Raph more and more frustrated with each strike missed.

This went on until Mikey backflips away from his opponent.

Raph: You think you're better than me?!

Raph charges at Mikey.

Raph: DO YOU?!

They met in the middle where they pushed against each other.

Mikey: No, you're just too cocky, Raph.

Mikey uses Raph's strength against him and winded call making him fly and crash into a table. Breaking it in the process.

Mikey: Winner and still champion, Michelangelo! Blake, did you see that just now? Pretty cool, huh?

However, as Mikey was celebrating his victory and trying his best to impress his crush, he didn't notice an enraged Raphael behind him, picked up a metal pipe as a weapon in his grasp. But everyone else did as they have taken their eyes off the youngest turtle and all looked behind him. Once they all saw what Raph has in his hand, their faces went from calm to absolute horror. Even Leo grabs hold of his father's shoulder. They know what Raph is about to do. And if he isn't stop or doesn't stop himself, he is going to regret it.

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