Chapter 3 - Attack of the Mousers!

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~ Normal pov ~


In the lair, the turtles are standing in front of their couch where April lays on the couch, sleeping while Blake is sitting in the armchair, drinking a cup of water to stay hydrated and to stay awake while watching the whole scene of the turtles in April. Even Blake is being mellow as her personality, she honestly felt anxious about bringing April into her friends' new home, let alone another human. It didn't help that she was tired from not having to slept that much at all. Her eyes tired to remain on her female auburn-haired friend but nothing happened.

Everything was silent, everyone else was waiting for her to wake up. It all looked so unnerving. Blake nearly nodded off in the armchair, leaning back into it before a voice broke the silence which caused her to open her eyes.

April moved her head and lets out a morning sign as she opens her eyes; rising up from her sleepy state.

April: Oh man, what a dream! Turtles fighting robots? Did I fall asleep watching TV again?

April murmurs to herself as she begins to set up by pushing her left arm while looking down.

April: That was the...

The next thing that she is going to see is what she is not going to believe. No longer sleepy, it only took a split second to see the turtles standing in front of her but she didn't see Blake.

April: ...weirdest...thing...I've...ever...seen!!!

She says in shock as she looks at the turtles. Mikey smiles and clicks his tongue while winking at her, making Ash to rolled her eyes as she shakes her head. Not only his first human friend, Mikey was too excited to meet their human guest. Although right now, she doesn't seem really excited at all.

After seeing who or what was in front of her, her memories were now starting to flood back. It really happened - all last night! She and Blake were both attacked by mousers, thanks to their former boss, after they both found out what happened. The mousers were about to rip the girls to pieces in the smelling sewers. And then, they were saved at the last minute by...

That is when she now realized. She was now starting to panic she then looks around, taking her eyes off her so-captures, to see herself in a different place. Instead of a blocked-off tunnel, she finds herself what appears to be a huge cavern; filled with modern-day furniture, fire escapes and ropes hanging from the ceiling. But she only thought that this whole entire situation was just a dream; her own dream.

Knowing that her mind is overloading with questions and she wasn't calm at the moment, Mikey kneels down to April's level.

Mikey: Hi!

Mikey greets her, however, instead of greeting back, April jumped up and screamed. Mikey screamed in shock as well, but thankfully it was short. Blake covered her ears and glares at Mikey. He panted softly, waving his hands in front of him.

Mikey: Please don't do that!

Mikey set a hand on his chest part of the plastron, nearly clutching onto it while trying to stop his racing heart from the sudden sense of panic.

Mikey: I almost jumped out of my shell.

April however didn't hear his words and instead was to instantly focused on his hand.

April: It has...three fingers...!

April hold the spare pillow from the side and covered her head, trying to convince herself that the situation wasn't real while her eyes were squeezed shut.

April: I'm asleep, I'm asleep, I'm asleep, I'm asleep.

She continued chanting while Donnie spoke up.

Donnie: This isn't going very well.

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