Chapter 5 - Nano

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~ Normal pov ~


In an experiment warehouse, a woman in a protective suit against toxins steps into a water container in the middle of the room.

???: Journal Entry 567 US Government Commission Project code-named...nanotech.

The woman mutters to herself. Inside the container, lots of microscope robots move, like if they were inside water as they shriek.

???: Experiment proceeding as planned. The nanobots continue to work together as a colony, coordinated by the hive mind contained within the robotic cells.

She concludes, placing a finger on her chin thoughtfully. She presses a button on a control panel, making it lift up, as if it was a microscope and she looks through the lens.

???: The safety restriction is still in place. It cannot disassemble molecules or organic cells as it will in the future when it performs a microscope operations.

The woman mutters, stepping back of the microscope.

???: 7:05 a.m., first test of its ability to take apart and reassemble mechanical devices.

She presses another buttons come making a toaster and a radio-clock enter the container. The nanobots surround the devices come separating the pieces into junk. To the woman's dismay, the nanobots reassemble the pieces into a child's shape.

???: Ugh, no, please. I thought this was fixed!

She complains, shaking her head.

???: The mental structure of the hive mind is equivalent to that of a three-year-old child.

The nanobots, now with a robotic body of a 3-year-old child, reached out and touched the glass as it stared up at the woman, almost like a child looking up to its mother.

The woman adjusts her glasses and starts typing on the keyboard again.

???: To facilitate absorbing new information. It's personifying again.

She complains, shaking her head and sighs.

???: Ridiculous.

The woman presses a button on a remote control, making the nanobots have an electro-shock, causing the little robot to let out a horrific childlike scream as it was electrocuted and destroyed. The nanobots left their destroyed body and floated in a container aimlessly.

???: This personality glitch will have to be eradicated as soon as possible.

The woman rubs her head.

???: If only I could do the same of this headache. Ugh, I need a cup of coffee.

She spoke to herself before she walks away. But without her noticing, the nanobots reassemble the torn-apart pieces again, turning back into a robotic child, with a drill in its left hand. The robot drills their way out of the container and get out. They form back into their normal shape and they get out through the air conduct until they get to an alley.

The nanobots rummage throughout the streets, humans passing by on the sidewalk.

???: Hey, the new sci bots are here! Get 'em while they're hot!

The nanobots collectively peeked over the edge of the sidewalk as they heard the voice of the man. Then nanobots see a man, standing on the sidewalk, with lots of toy robots. He's wearing a gray derby hat and overcoat and he has black hair.

???: Come on, come on, ya bunch of stingy breaks.

The man mutters, trying to call people's attention.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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