Chapter 2 - A Better Mousetrap!

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It has been 24 hours since the incident that changed the lives of four giant turtles and a large talking rat, along with the mysterious girl. Forever.

For fifteen years of their lives, living peacefully underground, their former home was destroyed by the smallest, yet durable metal menaces with the strongest jaws that they have ever seen. They teared down their home in the hunt for their rat master. It cost them to be separated from Master Splinter, venture up to the surface, battle many thugs while after rescuing the mysterious girl and battle a number of strange black ninjas that they faced with the mysterious girl's help, stole a truck with the money but although they did return it to the police but still took the truck, dropping off their new friend to her safe hometown and finally, reunited with their father, who indeed had a little adventure of his own.

Before reuniting with his sons, he was once again hunted down by the same robots. He managed to wipe the floor of them, but made lots of damaged to the battleground. But if it wasn't for them. He would not have found something...extraordinary.

A new home for the family of mutant ninjas.


Right now, in their new lair and also their new home, only the father and the other two turtles are now in their new home while the other two are nowhere to be seen. It's because their father has sent them out to retrieve most and any supplies that is still lying around in their old home. The Turtles decided to invite their new friend to meet their father, but unfortunately, the girl doesn't have time to meet their father after she's done helping with the other two turtles to retrieve most in any supplies that is still lying around because she has a job at this young age. But she'll make it up to them only when she has days and nights off.

For the whole day, the turtle teens have been working non-stop fixing up the new lair. When they found the place, they were broken stones and damaged pipes all over the place. But now, the place is no longer in ruins after the family has done.

In the new lair - their new home - the bedrooms have all been set to fit each for the family member's personality with the extra room as the spare room or the guest room, the kitchen and bathroom is now fully operation, the new dojo, just like the former home is located in the middle of the place and it is up to date for any train session and finally, the living room is all ready for the family to kick back and chill.

And that is where Mikey is now at the moment.

Unlike the old lair, the teams have also managed to sit up skate ramp all over the place, ropes are hanging down from the ceiling, fire ropes are also bolted into the pillars so they would have an easier assess to the second floor and there's also a bridge that goes over the lake with the stepping stones.

Now, Donnie and Mikey were just fixing up the last minute details of their new lair. Mikey is almost finishing setting up the entertainment section; the one job that he really like. After finding a number of television; all in different sizes and shapes, lying around in the dumpster that the boys all took a trip to, he manages to stack them one by one, which makes it look like they have a huge TV set in the new entertainment centre of the living room with the help of the ladder of course.

Master Splinter was too in the living room, sitting on the blue couch. He too was busy sewing up a practice dummy. Once the turtle has finished setting up the TVs, he was even halted for a second. Donnie took notice of that.

Donnie: What's the matter, Mikey?

Mikey looks up to see his older brother; strapped himself to a special harness while holding a wielding torch. The smart turtle himself was fusing a certain pipe on the second floor of their large home. He steps welding when noticed his trouble brother.

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