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I pulled up to Michael's house so I could get our son. I beeped the horn because I didn't want to go in. After a few minutes, I seen his door open and I got out.

"Mama!" Our son said. Michael's laughter filled the area as I walked towards them. Our two year old was very smart as walked up to me, letting go his dads hand.

"Hi baby!" He laid on my should as I gave him a few kisses. I turned and packed him in his car seat, giving him his teddy bear that he got for Christmas.

I closed the door and turn around to Michael, his smile never left. God, I did miss him a lot but it's not easy when you get damaged in your marriage.

"Can we talk, please?"

"Michael, is this going to happen every weekend? No, we can't." I grabbed the bag from him.

"No, I am for real this time. No jokes Michelle." He said crossing his arms.

"You got five minutes, I left dinner on." I lied.

"We been separated almost a year, how long do you think we will hold out on the shit. I want my wife back."

"And who's fault is that? We wouldn't be in this shit if you wasn't cheating and coming back and forth in this situation. You know this." I said as I walked around the car with Michael following me.

"No, I'm not bullshitting this time. I can't bare seeing you walk away from me again." He said as he grabbed the car door.

"No, Michael. I'm not trying to be hurt anymore. I'm done with you. What about your other hoes? They needed you more than we did!" I spat.

"Fuck them!" He spat back.

"But you already did baby. Every time, I found out was when they called or the obvious.. when a husband is cheating on their wife." I said.

"Please Michelle, don't start this shit! Damn, I'm being for real. And this isn't good for our son. You didn't even have to move out." He said.

"As a matter of fact, I did because of everything you put me through. You knew what the fuck you were doing and for me to bare all that and take you back? No.. I'm not doing this. I left you for my sake and our son. Now move, the fuck! " I said as I slapped his hand off the door and closed it.

"Wait, please! Let us try to be together again. Give me one more chance, Michelle. Your the woman I've always loved! You don't understand how hard this is for me."

I blinked back so many tears as the memories flooded back to me. We promised each other forever. Eight fucking years.. and I still love him through all this shit.

"One more chance, Michelle." He pleaded.

End of Prologue.

Michael and Michelle were two peas in a pod

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Michael and Michelle were two peas in a pod. Meeting back in college and on the streets of Georgia. Their love grew unbreakable But years later Michelle sees a different vibe from him and everything falls apart. With emotional and sad roller coasters, negative energy and Michael's infidelity... well.. do they make their marriage work?

This is dated in the 90s to present. This includes a few flashbacks. Don't get confused. This story also has triggers and is a slow burn romance.

Triggers include: *Explict: Language, Sexual Content, Alcohol use, drug content and abuse. *

*All matters are fictional and not real! Please don't copy my work or be a ghost reader.*

Dangerous Era - History Era

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