Back to the Streets (1991)

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Three days later...


The rain made everything gloomy, it's been three long days for me. After staying at Selena's, I went home to an empty home and I cried, packed all Avery's shit and I was going to drop them off outside the front door. Then I thought about how I didn't want that to happen to me so, I dropped them off to his mother's house. Without really being angry with her rather just angry with him, she was saddened by all the events that happened. We had tea for a little bit as she was being a mother. She said that it was better for me to move on. Honestly speaking that she didn't know her son was even like that and she was sad about how he had treated me for so long. She just stayed silent and out of the way.

If a nigga wasn't ready for me then I am riding solo in this bitch!

I decided the head down to my favorite cafe just to get some space from the house. It was empty and it was peaceful but understand that I am pissed at how he treated me over the years and my parents told me to be careful but me falling into lust and passion, I failed in my relationship. I now wonder if he's been cheating on me honestly. I felt stupid because I wanted the relationship and I thought I found my soulmate but that failed. I was always the one speaking on children and

"Ma'am, I can help you over here." I walked to the counter and placed my order. "Yes, I would like a caramel swirl coffee with an energy shot please. With whipped cream and non fat milk." I said as she nodded, handing me a receipt with a number on it. I stood to the side as I watched the workers get my order ready. I put a tip in the jar and walked to a booth just to consume my thoughts.

I watched how people were walking together laughing under their umbrellas and it was like I missed those days. But I was on to something worth my wild. I wrote poetry often as my escape and I wrote on my phone but everything got interrupted quickly.

"Chelle. I figured I would find you here."

No other than Avery was in my face. I rolled my eyes as anger formed in a split second that I was in peace. "What are you doing here, Avery? You know your the last person on earth I want to fucking see right now." I spat.

He sat down drenched from being outside. "Baby, why did you take my shit to my mother's house. I want you to come home so we can talk." he said. I shook my head, "Hell naw, get the hell up and out my fucking face! Your not coming back to my house. You embarrassing ass prick." I said, "How did you even know I was here anyway."

You stupid bitch.. what the hell I look like bring his ass back to my damn house. He must be smoking crack!

"I have been looking all over for you. So I decided to at least check here but that's not the point. I am sorry for what happened the other night. I don't know what came over me." he spoke.

"No, I am done with you. You hurt me!!", I sobbed, "You fucking hurt me." I almost screamed. I didn't care who's eyes were looking over here. He sat back for the first time as I let everything loose.

"I left everything for you. I used to love you, used to.. don't you get it? You never mean any good to me and I pushed everything to the side including my pride just to love you and you hurt me like this?? Get the fuck up and leave. I disrespected everyone who told me shit about you and you had the nerve to out your hands on me, you filthy bitch!" My blood was boiling over, the waitress came over and she tried to comfort me.

"Ma'am do I need to call the police?" I shook my head, "No, he was just leaving, I'll be fine, thank you." she touched my shoulder and she mean mugged Avery.

"Baby I.-"

"Hey sweetie, I am so sorry I am late." Michael appeared out of nowhere and I was feeling somewhat better. But why was he here, I just wanted to be alone. He stood tall looking down, looking hella delicious but I looked at Avery.

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