To The New Year (1992)

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Happy New Year.. to me and my family. "Yeah." I raised my glass, watching the fireworks gleamed across the sky. I was on my balcony tonight enjoying a little light wine and admiring how and what I have done.

I changed my hair to a nice short- cut and wavy hair style. I moved out of my last home and got another one. And so far I spent more time admiring me and doing more for myself.  Selena offered me to stay with her in New York but I declined. Her spending time with her family meant a lot to me. She spent so much time helping me through my own issues that I wanted her to spend time with her own family.

My parents went to Hawaii and I decided that I had my own work to do. And I have been managing it for my own goodness. And now that the new year has come in, I feel like I am finally happy in my own way. I felt more organized and made various vacations and outing to my own enjoyment.

"Damn, if I am not hungry." I said. I walked back into my bedroom and checked the time. "9:45 pm" The small bbq bar around the corner stayed open late tonight so I decided to get dress and head out there for some southern food.

I hopped in the shower and washed over my body. Taking care of every detail and came out. I put some curly moose over my hair and some water, then I got dressed. Nothing too fancy but a pair of skinny jeans and my Betty boop tank top. I did a fit check, popped my ass in the mirror and then it was time to leave. There's nothing wrong with boosting my confidence up just a little bit.  I got in my car and drove down the block.

Once I pulled up, it wasn't too crowded thank goodness and I got a booth to the side while watching out for the early drunks who needed to just turn on for the night. Carlos' was a hot shot bbq and they had everything. I was needed a nice hot plate with fried chicken, bbq pulled pork combo with some collards. I could eat and I wasn't being greedy.. his plates were worth the price.

After I ordered I awaited with some water and a southern lemonade to the side. I looked at my phone for awhile looking at everyone posting themselves and their loved ones for the holiday and it had me feeling positive. It was good to spend quality time and it was nice. I never had a thought that once day I wasn't going to be happy but one day I knew my time was coming.

Once my food arrived, I said Grace and dug in. Gosh I felt like I was being fat with such a big meal but who couldn't when the grub here was fantastic. And I thought I could keep up with a manageable diet. This time I just so happened to hear a certain laugh that caught my attention. I glanced to the right of me and I spot Kells, Chris and Michael at the bar.

"Oh gosh.. please don't see me, please don't see me." I muttered. Not that I didn't want to be bothered but I just didn't want to be judged for being distant. And I accomplished a lot of goals since then and I liked my peace.

I looked up and as if there was heat at the side of his face, Michael spots me and his smile was big as shit. "Oh Lord. Don't come over here.. Chelle don't dart your eyes back over there."
I said and I instantly failed. Michael danced his string bean ass over to my table and his smile never left. Gosh, this man did something to me and my body. I can't believe I called him a string bean because he was more built than that.

"You are beautiful you know that? I almost didn't recognize you. Shit girl!" I mentally face palmed myself.

"Yeah thanks. Can I help you, I am in the mist of downing my meal right now." I said purposely stuffing my face with some collards.

"Hmm.. there's a lot more you can "go down" on but that comes later." He said smirking. I almost choked on my food. "What you want?" I asked finally swallowing my drink.

"I just wanted to catch up.. it's been like six months... I want you though. You just don't understand. Damn, you changed a lot." He said smiling and he rubbed his finger across my hand.

"Um excuse me." We both looked up and some big breasted chick was standing with her arms crossed. "Michael I need to talk to you, why you with her?" She asked. I loved my hand back but he grabbed it back. "No."

"And woman, I'm not with you. Move your ass. You know I'm single." He said flinging his free hand as if he was swatting flies and turning his nose up. She placed her hand on her hips, "That's not what you said last night." She flung her hair weave and Michael looked at her sideways. "Move you whore..get out my face, I wasn't with anyone." He said.  She jumped and then flung her middle finger up.

"Last night huh?" I spoke up after she left. He shook his head. "Hell naw, she's from my past, I was with my boys last night shit, I'm with them now. I ain't lying." He said. But it was something about the "ain't lying part."

"What kind of fool do you take me for? Actually how many is there?" I asked furrowing my eye brows. "Woman, there is no one, I want you though. Let me take you out. I'm not leaving until you say yes princess." he pleaded.

He sat still and glared at me with the most serious face. And a memory popped back up in my mind. "Oh my gosh, aren't you that real smart ass kid back in college. Freshman year you had like short curly hair?" I asked and he balled his lip up nodding.

He was adorable and every girl was after him. He looked all shy and innocent then but now, he turned into something else. A grown ass man.

"Okay fine. You can take me out if it gets you out my face." I said. He smiled and kissed my hand.

"Goodnight princess. I'll hit you up Tomorrow.

After tonight's meal. I came home to a cozy shower and I relaxed in bed. What's crazy is that I had Michael's number for awhile. And from what happened tonight I guess he wanted to be out with the old ones and in with me. We never texted each other like other people thought. It more or less like a "hi" or nothing at all. So I just chose not to text at all and just get me right.

No sooner than I get to bed my phone goes off and Michael's name popped up.

"See you tomorrow, I'll stop by and we will talk. 😘" I looked at the text.

"So I moved from my last spot. I'll send you the address in the morning. Tired, goodnight Michael."

I turned my phone off, leaving it on the charger and turned my television to looney tunes. I laid my head up comfortably. And before I knew it I was sleep.

The next day.

I poured coffee in two cups and brought them to the living room. Michael came no sooner than 9am and I was surprised to be up at 7 this morning. Hell I blamed old age but I was always the early bloomer.

"Yes! So, where have you been all this time?" He asked blowing his pink lips against the steam of the coffee. "You could have called a brotha and I would have helped you through this." He said.

"I mean I was fine, I needed to do it on my own. I'm not debating on this, it was my own choice." I said.

"But still.. I'll let it go, I'm just glad your out of the depression stage. I was about to be like Robin Thicke up in here singing, "Lost Without You." He said.

"You can sing? Omgggg sing it for me I love him." I dropped my coffee and grabbed his hand.

He shook his head, "No, maybe one day though, the day you say you will be mines I'll sing to you everyday." He said and I popped my head back.

"You really can sing or you lying?" I said with my arms crossed. "I'm serious, I can sing." He said.

"I don't believe you, put the coffee down and get out." I got up to get the door and he charged after me, making me collapse to the carpet floors. He grunted, "Okay, I'm not going anywhere." He held me down and he was a few inches from my face.

"I'm lost without you
Can't help myself
How does it feel
To know that I love you, baby?
I'm lost without you
Can't help myself
How does it feel
To know that I love you, baby?"

I almost thought I was going to heaven. Pinch me I must be dreaming.

End of the chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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