Night We Met (1991)

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It's after graduation and boy I was happy to not be in college anymore. Me and my best friend Selena went shopping today only because it was after graduation and a college friend of hers was having a party and well we were invited.
We ran upstairs giggling as she told me what happened to most of the girls who walked across the stage. It was really here... like bitch we made it! I was more than glad that school was over and I could start my life.

"So what's Avery saying?"

I knew this would come up as I looked at my friend. Avery, my boyfriend would shit bricks but I wanted to go. Plus we all grown and I was already tired of the relationship.

"He didn't want me to go. But I told him that this is when the fun start and I wasn't missing this. And besides he already cheated on me once. The fuck."

"So fuck him girl. Let me see how the dress fits, I got you on the light makeup."

I walked into the bathroom and stripped down to the thing I was wearing. We were girls so it didn't matter. I slid the black knee high dress up my body and pulled the straps on my shoulders.

I looked the full view mirror, viewing my body. I awed myself of the instant glow I had. This was the best dress I could have picked. And boy I could hear Avery now, "Who you trying to look good for?"

I shook the thought out of my head, tonight was the night that I shine.  After I closed the bathroom door, Selena smiled from ear to ear.

"Damn girl.. I don't know why Avery snatched you.. you would honestly look better on someone else. Like look at you."

I nodded, "Well at one time it was the falling in love but now it's just dusty."

"And rusty.. you need to give it up to someone who will.. you know, love you for you. But don't take no shit from nobody."

"I know that's right! Now let's finish before the party ends.. you know we like to be late to an event as usual."

"Who doesn't..?Okay come on."

I rolled over looking at the time, the party started at ten. Yet, I forgot.. I was banging my ex about an hour ago. I wiped over my eyes and a leg fell on me. Oh..wait that's not her, it was the girl from my old class. We had decided to link up after graduation for one last time. Well, for her it was, I had others.

"You going to the party tonight?" She said sheepishly.

I looked over at her. Her hair was messy and she was nice looking squinting from the sunlight.

"Yes and you have a ride to catch." I said getting up and grabbing my phone. I had three missed calls from my homey Scott.

"Well damn, Michael! You kicking me out already?"

"Yes I actually am, this was a one time thing, so you have to go. Shit."I spoke not caring.

Deep down I really was ready for something new, someone fresh. It didn't matter if I had feelings some of those feelings die anyway but still. Fulfilling the cheerleaders dreams of hot sex from the college basketball team was worth it, nearly ever panty or bra I ever taken off but it didn't feel for the real deal. A real woman not a whore from around the corner.

Three hours in and I already had been out with my guys and the party was just getting started. We got here about two hours after it started. Chris, Kells and I were standing by the bar table. Everyone was getting down smoking their pot, drinking and the real ones were popping ecstasy.

All I liked was my drinks.. everything else was down the drain. Hell we were the fourth year basketball champions so there wasn't so much that we could do to enjoy. It was a choice for those who wanted to do otherwise but me nah.

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