End Up (1991)

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"No, I don't want to press charges." I said holding the ice pack against my cheek. The officer and the doctor along with Selena are by my side. This shit was crazy, everyone close to me and Michael sat outside in the small waiting room. I wondered why he wanted to help. Even though Avery got what he deserved, stupid bitch.

"And you said this is the first time you guys ever got into an altercation right." I nodded while keeping my composure from crying. Then my body started to ache and from the blow he jammed in my ribs, they hurt like shit. Not to mention the small bruise that formed in the same spot. This was just it though, my dusty ass relationship was over anyways but it hurts to know his real feelings. He already wanted to hit me, like I felt like he wanted to, he just needed the right time.

"I will be fine, warm and ice pack, tylenol for pain. I got it. Can I go now please?" I begged. I was ready to leave, I already felt crazy enough to get mad and find him myself. Retaliation? Yes. He should have never put his hands on me. And even though Michael and his crew got him, I wanted my own lick back.

"Ma'am for safety precautions is there a close relative you can stay with?" The officer asked. I shook my head, "My parents live on the opposite side of town. Selena, can I stay with you??" I asked and she nodded.

"Of course. I need some company anyway, so why not. It's cool with me. She'll stay with me sir." I eased up a little bit of the tension that built up inside of me and yet the anger still was there. I needed a day or two and then I had to make some changes to the windows and doors of my house. I worked hard throughout the years only to make drastic changes for the same measures with Avery. It ended this way for a reason.

One Hour Later...


"Yo, I cannot believe that shit went down like that." I was on face time with Kells and Chris. I drove halfway following Selena and Michelle until it was time to branch off. She had hardly spoken and she was still in shock after pissy-ass Avery put his hands on her.

"Yeah, she went crazy, I haven't fought in so long, I thought I broke my damn wrist." I spoke drinking a small sip of water. Man it felt good to fight off some unwanted negative energy. He deserved every last punch. Stupid nigga.

"Well, she's good though?" Kells asked.

"Did you even get her number?" Chris said.

"Nah too soon bros. I gotta play this shit carefully. Selena gave me some of the scoop but Michelle is staying with her for two nights. But I assured her that I would get in contact with some people to help set her some security for her house. Man, I felt bad for her but she's good." I said.

"Nigga.. you got feelings already for her? How does that even happen?" Chris asked.

I nodded my head, "I always had a crush on her since she stayed down the street from me. Gosh, she was so pretty but remember after high school she and her parents moved." I said.

"Damn sure did.. I forgot man. We done banged some many of them hoes..she wasn't in the rosters then." Kells said.

I relaxed a little, reminiscing on her looks back then up until now and she never changed besides her shape and she was older now. I knew that in due time I didn't have to woo her into liking me, she already knows, her body.

"But yeah," I took a breath, placing my phone on the stand, hands- free for the rest of the drive. "I want her now. She looks like the settle down type. I mean Trish wasn't and I didn't want to settle down with her ran through ass. I couldn't." I chuckled as my boys laughed. I drove the rest of the way home, to clean up, shower and relax. She will remember me soon, I hope that she's the one.

Selena's House


I laid here in the extra room, thinking about the events that have happened and I am in awe. I was balled up in a small curl, watching power puff girls on the television. Selena is my friend for a reason and it was wonderful for Michael to come with us. But now my thoughts went towards how quickly he jumped on Avery for hurting me. I felt so special, he saved my life.

On second thought, I remembered Michael Jackson in school but he was a little darker and he stayed down the street from me. His smile, his afro on point, his sweet and shy smile. He was one of the top students in school every year, it was like one up for him. Looking at him now, he looked like he had a skin color change, possibly a skin disorder, which was normal. His hair is curly down to his shoulders.

"Wow, he saved me." and my thought caused me to be sleepy peacefully and deeply thinking of him. This is definitetly not a normal night, I wanted more for me and now I had the chance to be free for now. I don't want to see Avery again.

The Next Morning

I awake with a sore mouth but today it was all good, hello single life. I didn't want to really open my heart to anyone unless I felt ready but the vulnerability was at play right now. I lusted for someone and not for Avery. I wanted something real, to have and to hold. I removed the blanket and grabbed something comfortable to hop in the shower.

The water hit me like I was beaten all the way down to my socks. After about a good ten minutes of the warm water running against my skin. I washed with my Dove soap and my body wash and then I got out. Leaving my hair partially wet, I got dressed and then put some curly mousse on my hair. It dried and curled immediately.

"You are a bad bitch, Michelle." I said to my reflection in the mirror. I had to give myself these small reminders to keep myself happy even if I was feeling down. I blew a kiss at myself and then grabbed my phone to head downstairs. I had fifteen missed calls and five texts from Avery, trying to say sorry and wanting me back. I texted, "Fuck you." and blocked him off of everything including my phone number. I didn't want any reminders of him or what he did. He was supposed to be a man but he wasn't a man at all. He was just a major headache, back and neck ache honestly.

"Good Morning, Selena." I sat down in the bar stool and she was cooking breakfast. "Morning, girl. You're okay?" she asked, while she was flipping bacon.

"Child, I slept so good. Oh my gosh. Remind me to get a bed like that. Where's your hubby?" I asked, looking through my phone.

"He left already for work but look. I hope you don't get mad but I kinda gave Michael your number last night." I snapped my head up in her direction.

"Ya'll was talking about me huh?" I shook my head as her reaction changed drastically to her laughing. "Bitch he couldn't stop, he honestly felt bad for all that shit that happened. But he wanted to make sure you were straight. It don't get no realer than that."

It didn't but damn so soon. Maybe he is not trying to get me all to himself I hope. I couldn't stop thinking about him last night but I kept that to myself for a little bit. And spent the rest of the day chilling with my best friend.

End of the chapter.. I hope you enjoyed it! Moonwalk to the like and comment button.

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