Not Like Them (1991)

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Selena and I decided to head out to the mall. It was about time we could have a girls day out and I needed this from being in the house for too long. Such myself in the walls of my home made me feel sick. I wasn't really used to depression and it took me by surprise. 

So we ran to home goods because in the mist of me being all shut in and depressed, I decided to rearrange my home and give it a boost. After rearranging and some home clean out, I needed some finishing touches.

"So what you getting from here?

We were at this boutique shop in the mall named "Cindys" it was just about like a Victoria's Secret and a bath and body works all at once. We had everything. "I guess some more body spray and lotions.. I need to update my collection." I said as she giggled reaching for two bags for us.

I was smelling the samples when something caught my eye. I seen Avery walking with some female on his arm and they walked into a store. Selena just happened to see what I was staring at and she grabbed my arm.

"Michelle, please don't.." I went to jerk my arm but she held on to me. "This nigga had someone the whole time? Imma kill him." I pushed and shoved her until I just broke in tears. Today was the first day in weeks I actually broke broke. Like broke down as a relief.

"Michelle, someone is out there that will love you for you. He's dead wrong for hurting you and doing this to you. You can do better sis. It's time for you to glow." She said.

I wiped my tears as a few of the ladies helped Selena hold me down before I broke free. I felt like I wanted to beat his ass for real and it was deep. Just knowing that it was just as possible as him already cheating on me, it was something I couldn't handle openly. It was royally fucked up.

For the rest of the mall visit, I was quiet. It was mostly anger. I wanted to let this go and move forward. Who knew.

We walked over to the food court because I honestly wanted some Chinese food and Miss Kim can basically build her own Chinese restaurant alone and not in a mall. She made at least a half a million, a week.

"Hi again mama, you want your favorite?" She asked she was happy to see me. "Yes ma'am. The usual please." I said then walking and paying for us some food. We waited for them to finish and everything looked amazing. All the while a few friendly faces came up to Miss Kim.

Selena looked at me, "Girl, Mike and the guys are here." I looked over and seen Michael and them dabbing each other up, laughing. She nudged me a little and I shook my head. Up until we finally got out food and Selena just had to be ghetto.

"What's up y'all?" She said and I rolled my eyes as they stopped and looked at us up and down.

"Hey nothing much, we chillin." Chris said. I did a double look towards Michael as he glared intensely at me and didn't say much. He gave me a look over and then he swallowed looking away for a moment.

"We hitting the basketball game later if y'all wanna come. No worries Selena yo man can come to." Kells said. "Michelle, you and Mike can you know." He shrugged his shoulders and Mike nudged him. "It's true though Mike! Come on dog." He said laughing.

"I don't mind.. that's if she comes I mean." He shrugged a little and to be honest, I couldn't talk. I was so quiet Selena kept looking at me mouthing for me to say something but I couldn't. The difference in seeing Michael in the dark nights that night while I was hurting, was different now that it's been a minute since I seen him. And he was so hot!

Chile, I thought the area was hot where we was. I honestly couldn't believe how badly my hormones where in every direction.

"Sure. I'll come." I squeezed out. They said cool and grabbed their food to leave out.

"Be ready by four. I'll come and get you." Michael said along with a wink. I swallowed and he walked away. The fucking wink..that set everything off.

Later That Day...
"Ugh.. what if he doesn't like me.. I cannot believe I said I would come." I said applying my nude makeup. I refused to sense of the urge of rebound man or whatever. Not belong with Avery one minute and then with Michael next.. I didn't know why I felt like that was a problem. We ain't even together.

"Girl stop tripping. Y'all just friends for now shit. My man is coming too and we just gonna enjoy tonight. Girl just try, Michael is not that bad." She said as I stopped and looked at her.

"Yeah, yeah I got you. I guess I'll get out my sneak outfit." I said as I grabbed my red and black shirt, skinny jeans and my black pumps. It was pretty cool tonight so I was going to bring my jacket with me. The fit was perfect and I didn't need to really dress all out especially to get a man's attention.

Once we arrive the ride was too funny, I rode with Michael and Chris was in the back with his date. Selena and her man drove and then Kells and his date arrived. We agreed on Waffle House later. Chris and Michael both has all of us in tears.  Michael parks and he gets out to open my door for me.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded. I guess he was just as nervous as I was. Well, I thought because he wasn't nervous to wrap his arm around mine as a dominant move because we were going to the game and hungry guys existed. His touch was warming and wasn't alarming. I didn't flinch or ask why for real he was doing this. This felt really good.

"You want some popcorn?" He asked me while we all walked to the concession area. "Uh a sprite and a hotdog then we talking." I spoke. He smiled under his shades, "Coming right up." We walked over to the line and we were next.

"Yeah, can a get a regular sprite and a hotdog please. And let me get some popcorn, a water and a light beer please." He said. We waited while they grill the the hotdogs and I loved a grilled hotdog especially if it was burnt.

After the Game..

"So, did you enjoy?" I was sitting across Michael now that everyone else went to different booths. It was a great crowd tonight or else we all would have sat together. It wasn't a problem though. Tonight was amazing. Me and Michael were blasting each other playfully after the Celtics basically beat the bulls for the second time. He really thought that I was one of those shy types, so I had to show him.

"Yeah I had a great time. You really thought that because the Celtics were down by thirteen that they wouldn't catch up, just like I said." I said and he laughed.

"You didn't lie but you still needed to cut my man's some slack." He said sipping his water.

"Ha! Bullshit..! I wasn't backing down on anyone. Close but no cigar bro." I said laughing. "That was fun though, I haven't been to a real game since I went to a football game three years ago. I said.

"Well you be around me all the time we can go anywhere you wanna go." He said eyeing me. Michael's eyes always said something to me. I had the choice to pay attention or don't care about it but I seem to melt now. I let that simmer for a little bit.

"What you mean? And be honest." I asked him. He looked up at me again. "I mean, we can hang out. We don't have to have a relationship because I know just how tender you are right now. I'm not even trying to get in your pants mama.. just friends. I'm not like everyone else or specifically "him".

I took a breath looking away. "What I mean is I'm not going to hurt you in anyway. And I know you been hiding all this time at home." I looked back at him. How the hell he know that?

"Here's you guys' food but if you need anything please let me know. Enjoy!" We both thanked the waiter but didn't touch our food just yet.

"How do you know that?" I asked him. He locked his lip and took a moment. "I just know.. I been there.. I don't want to talk about it. I just feel like I need to be there for you just like that night." I looked back up at him. "And I know he was treating you like shit. You didn't deserve it."

I caught a tear that was rolling down my cheek. I wiped under my eyes. I got confused on how he knew certain things, I will call it fate. "Can we just eat now and you know." I wiped under my eyes again. I didn't want to cry anymore just heal. He reached for my hand, "Michelle, I don't like seeing you hurt, I just want to show you. We can start this slow, I just been you to trust me." He said.

"Just give me a chance."
End of the Chapter

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