*Big Blue*

863 13 5

Bandit's POV
December 25, 1987

I sneak past all my family members but mostly my sibling to get to the door. A sigh of relief is let out as I reach for the doorknob. I'm home free until...

"Where are you going?"  I stop dead in my tracks. I slowly turn to see Stripe behind me.

"Uh, nowhere." I hide the small box behind my back.

"What is that?" He points to what I'm trying to hide.

"None of your business, Stripe."

"Ohh, I know. You got a Christmas gift for your crush!" He leans forward, taunting me.

I blush as I rush out the door. Their holiday house was only a few doors down. I start to pick up the pace knowing that Stripe is on his way to crash my moment. I take a glance back seeing him get his bike off the rack.

Y/n and I have been hanging out the last few days. Just getting lunch or playing arcade games but they are fun. I remember they really wanted the Pac-Man plush from the claw machine so I made it my mission to get it. A few dollars later and with some serious claw machine skills, I had a Pac-Man! I stuffed it in a box that I found in the closet and now all I have to do is deliver it.

As I approach their house I see them walking toward me. They wave and yell, "Hey, Bandit. Your brother is chasing you."

"Yeah!" I run and grab their wrist to drag them along with me. I pull them behind their holiday house, wishing that Stripe didn't see us wrap around. "I got you something." I hand them the box. "Merry
Christmas, Y/n!"

"Aww, thanks, Bandit." They open it up and gasp at the sight. "How did you get this? I spent over $20 and I still failed to get this little guy." They hug the yellow shape. "I got you something too but I was kinda nervous to give it to you."

"It's fine. As long as you like your new Pac-Man."

"No, let me go get it." They run off. I rest my head against the back of their house and close my eyes. "Here you go." They are back before I know it to hand me a decorated bag. A small bag but it was all pretty and sparkly. "Merry Christmas, Bandit!"

"Thank you." I pull out pieces of paper, one by one, until there are none left. In the bag lay two action figure boxes. One is my absolute favorite character, Big Blue. I have hundreds already but I love having one more. The other is the only action figure I don't have. The one I need to complete my collection.

"I saw one of the workers here unboxing a bunch of new ones. I asked if they had your 'Big Blue' that you're always talking about and they did! I also saw 'Key Chain' so I got that too. That's the one you don't have yet, right?" They say the characters' names hesitantly, not knowing anything about them.

"I- yeah. I don't have that one." They leave me speechless. Instead of words, I wrap my arms around their waist. "I love it!"

"Yay! I love my gift too."

"I should go before Stripe finds us."

"Alright, but I'm leaving tomorrow so I'll come to say bye." I nod and run off with my two new action figures.

"Stripe!" I wave to get his attention. "Catch me if you can!" I run back to our house with a smile stuck on my face.

~I swear I read this three times to check for grammar mistakes and I know there are still more. I would keep looking but I need sleep and so do you. Good day/night.

~I love you.

~646 Words

~Goodbye~ Bandit Heeler X Reader (Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now