Chapter 4

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"IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I yelled running down the stairs. "Honey eat some breakfast before you leave" my mom said while making my cereal. Bela was already sitting down eating. "Hey munchkin" i said to her. "Sleep good last night?" "Um yeah. Your room is a lot better then mine. And Emily doesn't bother me in there." Said Bela. "Who's Emily?" My mom said turning around. "Uh nobody!" I said before Bela could tell her. "She's just one of Bela's imaginary friends."I whispered in my mothers ear. " ok mom im of to school!" I yelled running out the door.

School was very interesting. I made 4 new friends. Hailey, Julie, Sutton and Hannah. Hailey is really funny. She's kind of crazy though. But in a good way. Julie is really sweet and smart. She has really pretty black hair and brown eyes. And Hannah is super tiny. She's so skinny too. It's crazy. But sutton is special. Shes blind. But you wouldn't even know is she didn't tell you. There's also this one boy that's in all of my classes. I'm not sure what his name is though. He doesn't really talk that much. But he's beautiful. He has the prettiest gray eyes and the best brown hair. But I kind of get a weird feeling when I'm around him. I'm not sure what it is, though.

I was typing up a book report when I heard a knock on my door. "That's strange. We just moved here. We've never gotten a visitor." I said quietly to myself while walking to the door. As I opened the door, I was greeted with a big whack on the leg with one of those sticks for blind people. "Sam? Is that you?" Sutton said reaching her hand out for me. "Yeah" i said reaching for her hand. "I'm so sorry I hit you! I can't exactly see when I hit with my stick. I'll try to be more careful next time," she said "Wanna go up to my room?" I asked. "Sure!" Said Sutton. As we walked up the stairs, Sutton started becoming very hesitant. "What wrong?" I asked her. "N-nothing" she replied. When we got to my room, I guided her to my bed at she sat down. "Sam, is there anyone else in the room right now with us?" Sutton said looking around (which was funny because well you know, she's blind) "nope" I said "my mom is out dropping my sister off as soccer practice.". I looked over to Sutton. She had a sad, confused look on her face. "Sam, is this house haunted?" She asked. What? How did she know about Emily?. Well yeah my sister has been talking about a little girl named Emily but she has sch-" "schizophrenia" she said, cutting me off. "Wait, how did you know that?" I asked, very befuddled. "You know how when 1 of your senses is gone, all your others become stronger?" She asked. I nodded my head, forgetting she couldn't see me. "Well when I became blind, I started being able to sense things. I can also see the future. Weird, huh? And for $5, I read your palm." Said Sutton. "Haha ok Sutton. Maybe we'll do that NEXT week." I said. "Hey, what time is it?" She asked. "Um 5:48" I replied. "We'll I should probably head home." She said.

We spent about 20 minutes talking while we were walking to her house. "Bye Sutton!" I said walking away. "Bye Sam! Oh and before you go, I think that Greyson like you!" She said. "Who's Greyson?" I asked. "He's the kid that's in all of your classes. I see a future for you two!" She said. "Bye Sam!" And she was gone. Wow. I guess she really could tell the future! Greyson. What a name. Hmmm Sam+Greyson. Definitely liked the sound of that!

Bye the time I got home, it was already 6:30. I got ready for bed and layer down. As I was falling asleep, I heard a whisper in my ear saying "I'm still here. And you can't get rid of me." And just like that, I was out.

A/N- my hand hurts from all of this writing! Haha. So I figured I'd put a little romance in the story. So who is Greyson? Why does she get a weird feeling around him? Where has Emily been? Why did she come back at the time she did? Why is sutton such a weirdo? ;D Well that's for ME to know and YOU to find out! Well until next time! Peace outttt

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